
Scientific Publication

Not all roads lead to Rome: Inclusive business models and responsible finance in pursuit of sustainable cocoa in Ghana

Stoian, D.; Menza, G. (2019) Not all roads lead to Rome: Inclusive business models and responsible finance in pursuit of sustainable cocoa in Ghana. [Abstract L07_O.07] In: Dupraz, C. (et al. (eds.)) Book of Abstracts. 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Agroforestry: strengthening links between science, society and policy. Montpellier: CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry. p. 236
Participatory diagnostics of animal health service delivery systems in Mali
Poster / Presentation

Participatory diagnostics of animal health service delivery systems in Mali

Dione, M., Traore, I. and Fall, A. 2017. Participatory diagnostics of animal health service delivery systems in Mali. Presented at the Workshop on the Delivery of Animal Health Services in Extensive Livestock Production Systems, Nairobi, 9-10 March 2017. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Dynamic drivers of disease in Africa: Integration of participatory research
Poster / Presentation

Dynamic drivers of disease in Africa: Integration of participatory research

Atkinson P, Lo Iacono G, Grant C, Bett B, Dzingirai V and Winnebah T. 2014. Dynamic drivers of disease in Africa: Integration of participatory research. Presentation during a special session on 'Integrative approaches to disease modelling' at the EcoHealth 2014 conference, Montreal, Canada, 11-15 August 2014.
Participatory risk analysis and safety of animal-source foods

Participatory risk analysis and safety of animal-source foods

ILRI. 2014. Participatory risk analysis and safety of animal-source foods. Report of a stakeholder workshop and training course by Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d’Ivoire (CSRS) held at Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 12-14 February 2014. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Valorisation du lait de vache par les femmes peulhs au benin: Analyse de l’efficacite des systemes de transformation agro-alimentaire du lait local en fromage
Poster / Presentation

Valorisation du lait de vache par les femmes peulhs au benin: Analyse de l’efficacite des systemes de transformation agro-alimentaire du lait local en fromage

Saroumi, Y. and Kpenavoun, S. 2014. Valorisation du lait de vache par les femmes peulhs au benin: Analyse de l’efficacite des systemes de transformation agro-alimentaire du lait local en fromage. Poster prepared for the ILRI-CTA African Dairy Value Chain Seminar, Nairobi, Kenya, 21-24 September 2014. Cotonou, Benin: University of Abomey.

Lessons learned from participatory action research in WAFFI

Evans, K., Cronkleton, P., Addoah, T., Zida, M., Basefeli, S., Afagachie, K. 2019. Lessons learned from participatory action research in WAFFI. CIFOR Infobrief No. 254. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Scientific Publication

Cash transfers, migration, and gender norms

Hidrobo, Melissa; Mueller, Valerie; Roy, Shalini, 'Cash transfers, migration, and gender norms', American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 104(2), pp. 550-568, Wiley, 2022