
Scientific Publication

Better-off Women Boosting Groundnut Business in Ghana

Akpo, E and Ojiewo, C O and Omoigui, L O and Rubyogo, J C and Varshney, R K (2020) Better-off Women Boosting Groundnut Business in Ghana. In: Sowing Legume Seeds, Reaping Cash. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, pp. 91-104. ISBN 978-981-15-0844-8
Scientific Publication

Participatory water governance: lessons from the Ferghana Valley

Kazbekov, Jusipbek; Manthrithilake, Herath; Mirzaev, N.; Wegerich, Kai; Jumaboev, Kahramon; Anarbekov, Oyture. 2010. Participatory water governance: lessons from the Ferghana Valley. In Proceedings of the Republican Scientific Practical Conference on Efficient Agricultural Water Use and Tropical Issues in Land Reclamation, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 10-11 November 2010. Tashkent, Uzbekistan: Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources; Tashkent, Uzbekistan: International Water Management Institute; Tashkent, Uzbekistan: Scientific Information Center of Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (SANIIRI). pp.36-43.
Scientific Publication

Better-off women boosting groundnut business in Ghana

Akpo, E., Ojiewo, C.O., Omoigui, L.O., Rubyogo, J.C. & Varshney, R.K. (2020). Better-off women boosting groundnut business in Ghana. In E. Akpo, C.O. Ojiewo, L.O. Omoigui, J.C., Rubyogo, and R.K. Varshney, Sowing legume seeds, reaping cash: a renaissance within communities in sub-Saharan Africa. Gateway East, Singapore: Springer International Publishing, (p. 91-104).

Gender dynamics in value chains

Pyburn, Rhiannon; Stoian, Dietmar; Quintero, Sandra, 'Gender dynamics in value chains', International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2021

Gender Dynamics In Value Chains

Pyburn R; Stoian D; Quintero S, 'Gender Dynamics In Value Chains', International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2021