
Scientific Publication

Effects of sole cropping, intercropping and rotation with legume trap-crops on striga control and maize grain yield in farmers' fields in the Guinea savannas

Kureh, I. & Kamara, A.Y. (2007). Effects of sole cropping, intercropping and rotation with legume trap-crops on Striga control and maize grain yield in farmers’ fields in the Northern Guinea Savanna. In Fifth biennial regional maize workshop: demand-driven technologies for sustainable maize production in West and Central Africa(pp. 169-179), 3-6 May, Cotonou, Benin.
Scientific Publication

Empowering forest dwellers and managing forests more sustainably in the landscapes of Borneo

Campbell, B.M., Gunarso, P., Kartawinata, K., Levang, P., Rhee, S., Sheil, D., Sist, P., Wollenberg, E. 2003. Empowering forest dwellers and managing forests more sustainably in the landscapes of Borneo . In: Hardwood, R.R. and Kassam, A.H. (eds.). Research towards integrated natural resources management: examples of research problems, approaches and partnerships in action in the CGIAR. :79-95. Rome, Italy, FAO.
Magazine or Press item

Quelle vache!

CTA. 2000. Quelle vache!. Spore 87. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Magazine or Press item

Feet back on the ground

CTA. 1999. Feet back on the ground. Spore 84. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Magazine or Press item

Planter sa haie vive

CTA. 2002. Planter sa haie vive. Spore, Spore 97. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Scientific Publication

Climate regulation of fire emissions and deforestation in equatorial Asia

van der Werf, G.R., Dempewolf, J., Trigg, S.N., Randerson, J.T., Kasibhatla, P.S., Giglio, L., Murdiyarso, D., Peters, W., Morton, D.C., Collatz, G.J., Dolman, A.J., DeFries, R. 2008. Climate regulation of fire emissions and deforestation in equatorial Asia . Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 105 (51) :20350–20355 ISSN: 0027-8424.
Scientific Publication

Evaluating the impacts of watershed rehabilitation and irrigation interventions on vegetation greenness and soil erosion using remote sensing and biophysical modelling in Feresmay watershed in Ethiopia

Bayissa, Yared; Dile, Yihun; Srinivasan, Raghavan; Ringler, Claudia; Lefore, Nicole; and Worqlul, A. W. 2023. Evaluating the impacts of watershed rehabilitation and irrigation interventions on vegetation greenness and soil erosion using remote sensing and biophysical modelling in Feresmay watershed in Ethiopia. All Earth 35(1): 2202968.
Pioneering fish genetic resource management and seed dissemination programmes for Africa: adapting principles of selective breeding to the improvement of aquaculture in the Volta Basin and surrounding areas

Pioneering fish genetic resource management and seed dissemination programmes for Africa: adapting principles of selective breeding to the improvement of aquaculture in the Volta Basin and surrounding areas

Bartley, D.M.; Brummett, R.; Moehl, J.; Ólafasson, E.; Ponzoni, R.; Pullin, R.S.V. (eds.). (2008). Pioneering fish genetic resource management and seed dissemination programmes for Africa: adapting principles of selective breeding to the improvement of aquaculture in the Volta Basin and surrounding areas. FAO. Rome. 194 p
Book / Monograph

Distribution and potential impact of cassava variety spread by UPoCA

Okechukwu, R.U., James, B., Ntawuruhunga, P., Mahungu, N., Boahen, S., Kanju, E. & Osei-sarfoh, A. (2012). Distribution and potential impact of cassava variety spread by UPoCA. In: Proceedings of the 11th triennial Symposium of the ISTRC-AB held at Memling Hotel: tropical roots and tuber crops and the challenges of globalization and climate changes, (pp. 325-331), 4-8 October, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.