
Dataset / Tabular


Amele, Asrat; Paterne Agre, '01aytTDrAB(breedersline)', International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2022
Dataset / Tabular


Amele, Asrat; Paterne Agre, '10pytTDrUB(08series)', International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2022
Dataset / Tabular

Assessment of varieties of Cassava for high yield, high dry matter and disease resistance using NCRP Trial (18 clones) in Mokwa 2019/2020 Breeding Season from gensel.c1.uyt34 and ncrri materials.MK

Kulakow, Peter; Ismail Rabbi, 'Assessment of varieties of Cassava for high yield, high dry matter and disease resistance using NCRP Trial (18 clones) in Mokwa 2019/2020 Breeding Season from gensel.c1.uyt34 and ncrri materials.MK', International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2020
Scientific Publication

Assessment of spatio-temporal vegetation dynamics in tropical arid ecosystem of India using MODIS time-series vegetation indices

Reddy, G P A and Kumar, N and Sahu, N and Srivastava, R and Singh, S K and Naidu, LG K and Chary, G R and Biradar, C M and Gumma, M K and Reddy, B S and Kumar, J N (2020) Assessment of spatio-temporal vegetation dynamics in tropical arid ecosystem of India using MODIS time-series vegetation indices. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (TSI), 13 (15). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1866-7511
Dataset / Tabular

ASTI Senegal database

Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI), 2015, "ASTI Senegal database",, Harvard Dataverse, V1


Stads, Gert-Jan; Kabaley, Mahaman Hamissou; Gandah, Mahamadou, 'Niger', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2004