
Scientific Publication

Developing procedures for assessment of ecological status of Indian river basins in the context of environmental water requirements

Smakhtin, Vladimir; Arunachalam, M.; Sivaramakrishnan, K. G.; Behera, S.; Chatterjee, A.; Gautam, P.; Das, Srabani; Joshi, G. D.; Unni, K. S. 2009. Developing procedures for assessment of ecological status of Indian river basins in the context of environmental water requirements. In Amarasinghe, Upali A.; Shah, Tushaar; Malik, R. P. S. (Eds.). Strategic Analyses of the National River Linking Project (NRLP) of India, Series 1: India�s water future: scenarios and issues. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) pp.329-366.
Scientific Publication

Les activites de formation du projet

Sally, H. 1997. Les activites de formation du projet. Sally, H. (Ed.), Ameliorer les performances des perimetres irrigues: Les actes du Seminaire Regional du Project Management de l'Irrigation au Burkina Faso, 24-26 Juillet 1996, Ouagadougou. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. pp.197-218.
Book / Monograph

Investment in agricultural water management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Diagnosis of trends and opportunities: case studies report: Volume 1 - Highlights of findings of various components

IWMI. 2004. Investment in agricultural water management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Diagnosis of trends and opportunities: case studies report: Volume 1 ? Highlights of findings of various components. Draft final report of a Collaborative Program between New Partnership for Africa?s Development (NEPAD), Africa Development Bank (ADB), FAO, IFAD, IWMI and The World Bank. iii, 63p.
Poster / Presentation

Welcome address at the International Expert Consultation on Wastewater Irrigation, Consumer Health Risk Assessment, On-farm and Off-farm Options for Health Risk Mitigation, and Wastewater Governance in Low-income Countries, Accra, Ghana, 6 October 2008

Bahri, Akissa. 2008. Welcome address at the International Expert Consultation on Wastewater Irrigation, Consumer Health Risk Assessment, On-farm and Off-farm Options for Health Risk Mitigation, and Wastewater Governance in Low-income Countries, Accra, Ghana, 6 October 2008. Expert consultation organized by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), IDRC and WHO, supported by IDRC and the Google Foundation. 5p.
Scientific Publication

An assessment of environmental flow requirements of Indian river basins

Smakhtin, Vladimir; Anputhas, Markandu. 2009. An assessment of environmental flow requirements of Indian river basins. In Amarasinghe, Upali A.; Shah, Tushaar; Malik, R. P. S. (Eds.). Strategic Analyses of the National River Linking Project (NRLP) of India, Series 1: India�s water future: scenarios and issues. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) pp.293-328.
Scientific Publication

Biological inoculants for sustainable intensification of agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa smallholder farming systems

Masso, C., Mukhongo, R.W., Thuita, M., Abaidoo, R., Ulzen, J., Kariuki, G. & Kalumuna, M. (2016). Biological inoculants for sustainable intensification of agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa smallholder farming systems. In R. Lal, D. Kraybill, D.O. Hansen, B.R. Singh, T. Mosogoya & L.O. Eik, Climate change and multi-dimensional sustainability in African agriculture (p. 639-658).Oxon: Springer International Publishing.
Scientific Publication

Long-term integrated soil fertility management in South-Western Nigeria: crop performance and impact on the soil fertility status

Vanlauwe, B., Nziguheba, G., Nwoke, O.C., Diels, J., Sanginga, N., & Merckx, R. (2012). Long-term integrated soil fertility management in South-Western Nigeria: crop performance and impact on the soil fertility status. In A. Bationo, B. Waswa, J. Kihara, I. Adolwa, B. Vanlauwe and K. Saidou, Lessons learned from long-term soil fertility management experiments in Africa (pp. 175-200). Dordrecht: Springer.
Scientific Publication

Root crops for food security in subSaharan Africa

Hahn, S.K. (1994). Root crops for food security in sub-Saharan Africa. In M.O. Akoroda (Ed.), Root crops for food security in Africa: Proceedings of the Fifth Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch, 22-28 November 1992, Kampala, Uganda: IITA, (p. 16-21).