
Multiplicación rápida de material de siembra-II El Túnel

Multiplicación rápida de material de siembra-II El Túnel

Escobar, Roosevelt; Dorado, Carlos & López, Ángel. (2019). Multiplicación rápida de material de siembra-II El Túnel. [Video file]. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Cali. CO. Available.
Fostering sustainable increases in maize productivity in Nigeria
Scientific Publication

Fostering sustainable increases in maize productivity in Nigeria

Smith, J., Weber, G., Manyong, M.V. & Fakorede, M.A.B. (1997). Fostering sustainable increases in maize productivity in Nigeria. In D. Byerlee, C.K. Eicher, Africa‘s emerging maize revolution. Boulder, London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, (p.107-124).
Scientific Publication

Potential of herbaceous legume cover crop fallow systems in the savanna zone

Carsky, R.J. (2000). Potential of herbaceous legume cover crop fallow systems in the savanna zone. In C. Floret and R. Pontanier (eds.). La jachère en Afrique Tropicale. Proceedings of the International Seminar, Dakar, April 1999. Paris, France: John Libbey Eurotext, (p. 594-602).