
Records and on-farm performance monitoring
Training Material

Records and on-farm performance monitoring

Abiso T. 2021. Records and on-farm performance monitoring. CCAFS Training Material. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).

Ethiopia country brief

Warren, Andrea, 'Ethiopia country brief', Transform Nutrition, Brighton, UK, 2016
Scientific Publication

Unraveling the role of innovation platforms in supporting coevolution of innovation: Contributions and tensions in a smallholder dairy-development program

Kilelu, Catherine W; Klerkx, Laurens; Leeuwis, Cees, 'Unraveling the role of innovation platforms in supporting coevolution of innovation: Contributions and tensions in a smallholder dairy-development program', In Innovation for inclusive value-chain development: Successes and challenges. Devaux, André; Torero, Máximo; Donovan, Jason; Horton, Douglas (Eds.). Chapter 9. Pp. 269-302, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2016
Scientific Publication

Shocks, groups, and networks in Bukidnon, the Philippines

Quisumbing, Agnes; Mcniven, Scott; Godquin, Marie, 'Shocks, groups, and networks in Bukidnon, the Philippines', In Collective action and property rights for poverty reduction: Insights from Africa and Asia, ed. Esther Mwangi; Helen Markelova; and Ruth Suseela Meinzen-Dick. Chapter 4. Pp. 79-108., University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, PA, 2011
Scientific Publication

Mitigating risk: Social protection and the rural poor

Kanbur, Ravi, 'Mitigating risk: Social protection and the rural poor', In 2014-2015 Global food policy report. Chapter 5 Pp. 33-39., International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2015

2015 Nutrition country profile: Kiribati

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), '2015 Nutrition country profile: Kiribati', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 2015