
Scientific Publication

Sustaining farm productivity through watershed based participatory balance nutrient management: A case study from Semi-Arid Tropics of central India

Palsaniya, D R and Ramesh, S and Tewari, R K and Dhyani, S K and Yadav, R S and Wani, S P and Sachan, R and Pandey, S N (2016) Sustaining farm productivity through watershed based participatory balance nutrient management: A case study from Semi-Arid Tropics of central India. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation, 44 (01). pp. 13-18. ISSN 0970-3349
Community-based development of interventions aiming to increase dietary diversity among women and small children in Vihiga County, Western Kenya
Scientific Publication

Community-based development of interventions aiming to increase dietary diversity among women and small children in Vihiga County, Western Kenya

Boedecker, J.; Termote, C.; Kennedy, G. (2015) Community-based development of interventions aiming to increase dietary diversity among women and small children in Vihiga County, Western Kenya. [Abstract] In: Second International Conference on Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition: unlocking the potential of biodiversity for food and nutrition security. Nairobi, Kenya, 23 November 2015. Book of Abstracts.(Kiambi, D. et al (eds.)) Bioversity International. p. 51
Scientific Publication

A large-scale intervention to introduce orange sweet potato in rural Mozambique increases vitamin A intakes among children and women

Hotz, C.; Loechl, C. ; Brauw, A. de.; Eozenou, P.; Gilligan, D.; Moursi, M.; Munhaua, B.; Jaarsveld, P. van.; Carriquiry, A.; Meenakshi, J.V. 2012. A large-scale intervention to introduce orange sweet potato in rural Mozambique increases vitamin A intakes among children and women. British Journal of Nutrition. (UK). ISSN 0007-1145. 108(1):163-176.
Book / Monograph

An overview of gender-related activities in IRRI-PETRRA, IRRI-FoSHoL, and CSISA-India projects

Salahuddin, Ahmad, 'An overview of gender-related activities in IRRI-PETRRA, IRRI-FoSHoL, and CSISA-India projects', vol. pages 48-49, In: Addressing gender access to the dissemination of stress tolerant rice variety seed. Conference: GRiSP Gender Research Network (GGRN) Workshop Proceedings, IRRI Social Sciences Division Conference Room, Drilon Hall, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines, 25−27 June, 2014
Participatory assessment of animal health constraints and husbandry practices in the pig production system in three districts of Uganda
Poster / Presentation

Participatory assessment of animal health constraints and husbandry practices in the pig production system in three districts of Uganda

Dione, M.M., Ouma, E.A., Roesel, K., Mayega, L., Nadiope, G., Kiryabwire, D. and Pezo, D. 2013. Participatory assessment of animal health constraints and husbandry practices in the pig production system in three districts of Uganda. Poster presented at the 14th International Conference of the Association of Institutions for Tropical Veterinary Medicine, Johannesburg, South Africa, 25-29 August 2013. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
“COMING TOGETHER” (Batanai): Learning from Zimbabwe’s experiences with community biodiversity conservation, participatory crop improvement and climate change adaptation

“COMING TOGETHER” (Batanai): Learning from Zimbabwe’s experiences with community biodiversity conservation, participatory crop improvement and climate change adaptation

Vernooy, R.; Netnou-Nkoana, N.; Mokoena, M.; Sema, R.; Tjikana, T.; Kasasa, P.; Mbozi, H.; Mushonga, J.; Mushita, A. (2019) “COMING TOGETHER” (Batanai): Learning from Zimbabwe’s experiences with community biodiversity conservation, participatory crop improvement and climate change adaptation. Bioversity International, Rome, Italy; Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Pretoria, South Africa; Community Technology Development Organisation, Harare, Zimbabwe, 10 p. ISBN: 978-92-9255-124-7

Conservation agriculture for the dry-land areas of the Yellow River Basin: Increasing the productivity, sustainability, equity and water use efficiency of dry-land agriculture, while protecting downstream water users

CIMMYT. Conservation agriculture for the dry-land areas of the Yellow River Basin: Increasing the productivity, sustainability, equity and water use efficiency of dry-land agriculture, while protecting downstream water users.Colombo, Sri Lanka: CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food.
Scientific Publication

Gender transformative approaches in agricultural innovation: The case of the Papa Andina Initiative in Peru

Escobar, S.S., Odame, H.H. and Tegbaru, A. 2017. Gender transformative approaches in agricultural innovation: The case of the Papa Andina Initiative in Peru. IN: Öborn, I., Vanlauwe, B., Phillips, M., Thomas, R., Brooijmans, W. and Atta-Krah, K. (eds.), Sustainable intensification in smallholder agriculture: An integrated systems research approach. London, UK: Routledge: 304-318.
Book / Monograph

A produção familiar como alternativa de um desenvolvimento sustentável para a Amazônia: lições aprendidas de iniciativas de uso florestal por produtores familiares na Amazônia boliviana, brasileira, equatoriana e peruana

Pokorny B., Godar, J., Hoch, L., Johnson, J., de Koning, J., Medina, G., Steinbrenner, R., Vos, V., Weigelt, J. 2010. A produção familiar como alternativa de um desenvolvimento sustentável para a Amazônia: lições aprendidas de iniciativas de uso florestal por produtores familiares na Amazônia boliviana, brasileira, equatoriana e peruana . Bogor, Indonesia, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). 174p ISBN: 978-602-8693-23-3..
Book / Monograph

Aprovechamiento comunitario del bosque en Perú con un esquema de pagos por servicios ecosistémicos: Un manual que ilustra los resultados de juegos económicos con participantes de las comunidades seleccionadas

Claudia Lopez, M., Torres, S., Cruz-Burga, Z., Saldarriaga, G., de Lourdes Espinoza, M., Valencia, F., Mwangi, E., Andersson, K.. 2016. Aprovechamiento comunitario del bosque en Perú con un esquema de pagos por servicios ecosistémicos : Un manual que ilustra los resultados de juegos económicos con participantes de las comunidades seleccionadas. : 25p. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).

Analisis institucional y algunas consideraciones en la relacion a la internalizacion de las externalidades en la implementacion de esquemas de compensacion por servicios ambientales en la cuenca Khora Tiquipaya

PROMIC. 2007. Analisis institucional y algunas consideraciones en la relacion a la internalizacion de las externalidades en la implementacion de esquemas de compensacion por servicios ambientales en la cuenca Khora Tiquipaya. WFCP; GTZ; CONDESAN; DIIS. December, 2007. Cochabamba, Bolivia: Internal report