
Scientific Publication

Perspectivas regionales en pasturas y semillas de especies forrajeras para Centroamérica, México y el Caribe

Argel M., Pedro J. 1992. Perspectivas regionales en pasturas y semillas de especies forrajeras para Centroamérica, México y el Caribe. In: Ferguson, John Elliott (ed.). Taller regional sobre Avances en los Programas de Suministros de Semillas de Especies Forrajeras en Centro América (1, Comayagua, Honduras). Memorias. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 125-132. (Documento de trabajo no. 122)
Scientific Publication

Scaling-up and uptake promotion of research findings on NRM in Tanzania

Lutkamu, M.H., Shetto, M.C., Mahoo, H.F. Hatibu, N. 2005. Scaling-up and uptake promotion of research findings on NRM in Tanzania. Paper presented at East Africa Integrated River Basin Management conference. Annex C3 of the Final Technical Report of project R8381. Nairobi, Kenya: SWMnet of ASARECA. 19 pp
Report / Case study

The eco-hydrological significance of fog in the eastern Sierra Madre, Central Veracruz, Mexico

BRUIJNZEEL, L. A. (2004). The eco-hydrological significance of fog in the eastern Sierra Madre, Central Veracruz, Mexico. At: NL Foundation for the advancement of tropical research, The Hague, The Netherlands. 1 September 2004. File number: w 01.53.2004.021. 15pp. Faculteit der Aard- en Levenswetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (FALW-VUA). Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (Project Proposal) (Paper and electronic). (Donor agencies and managers). (G)
Scientific Publication

Sri Lanka update

Presented at the Stakeholder Workshop - 'Partnerships for Rural Electrification,' 2-3 September 2003, Kampala, Uganda. 15 pp