
Dataset / Tabular

Survey data on cost and benefit analysis for climate-smart agricultural (CSA) in the Coastal Savannah Agro-ecological Zone of Ghana

Ng’ang’a, Stanley Karanja; Mwungu, Chris M; Miller, Vail; Essegbey, George; Karbo, Naaminong; Botchway, Vincent Ansah; Nautsukpo, Delali; Kingsley, Sam; Girvetz, Evan, 2018, "Survey data on cost and benefit analysis for climate-smart agricultural (CSA) in the Coastal Savannah Agro-ecological Zone of Ghana",, Harvard Dataverse, V3, UNF:6:lHvb8OTFZgtmPVdcNdhpWQ== [fileUNF]
Scientific Publication

Manejo comunitario de recursos de microcuenca en agroecosistemas de laderas: reporte de progreso de actividades

López Suazo, Edy. 1997. Manejo comunitario de recursos de microcuenca en agroecosistemas de laderas: Reporte de progreso de actividades. In: Barreto, Héctor J.; Jiménez, Pedro; Burppe, Charlotte; Turcios, Willmer R.; Brizuela, Luis G.; López Suazo, Edy; Vernooy, Ronnie; Baltodano, María Eugenia; Tijerino, Dominga. Proyecto CIAT laderas América Central: Reportes de progreso 1997. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Tegucigalpa, HN. p. 47-54.
Scientific Publication

Twenty years of cassava varietal improvement for yield and adaptation: Process of CIAT collaboration with national programs

Kawano, Kazuo. 1996. Twenty years of cassava varietal improvement for yield and adaptation: Process of CIAT collaboration with national programs. In: Howeler, Reinhardt H. (ed.). A benchmark study on cassava production, processing and marketing in Vietnam: Proceedings of a worskhop held in Hanoi, Vietnam, Oct. 29-31, 1992. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Regional Cassava Program for Asia, Bangkok, TH. p. 237-254.
La colección de forrajeras tropicales del CIAT. 3. Catálogo de germoplasma de Centroamérica, México y el Caribe = The CIAT collection of tropical forages. 3. Catalog of germplasm from Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean
Book / Monograph

La colección de forrajeras tropicales del CIAT. 3. Catálogo de germoplasma de Centroamérica, México y el Caribe = The CIAT collection of tropical forages. 3. Catalog of germplasm from Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean

Schultze-Kraft, Rainer (ed.). 1991. La colección de forrajeras tropicales del CIAT. 3. Catálogo de germoplasma de Centroamérica, México y el Caribe = The CIAT collection of tropical forages. 3. Catalog of germplasm from Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 269 p. (Documento de trabajo = Working document no. 90)
Cassava program 1977 report
Book / Monograph

Cassava program 1977 report

1978. Cassava program 1977 report . In: Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical. Cassava Program, 1977 CIAT Annual Report . CIAT, Cali, CO. 68 p.
Expert consultation on market information systems and agricultural commodities exchange: strengthening market signals and institutions: Proceedings of an expert meeting held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28-30 November 2005
Book / Monograph

Expert consultation on market information systems and agricultural commodities exchange: strengthening market signals and institutions: Proceedings of an expert meeting held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28-30 November 2005

Ferris, Shaun (ed.). 2006. Expert consultation on market information systems and agricultural commodities exchange : Strengthening market signals and institutions: Proceedings of an expert meeting held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28-30 November 2005 [on line]. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Wageningen, NL. v. (CTA working document)
Experiencia en el mejoramiento del proceso de producción de semillas a través de dispositivos móviles en bancos de recursos genéticos. VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Telemática (CITA), Popayán, Colombia, 11 de junio de 2015
Poster / Presentation

Experiencia en el mejoramiento del proceso de producción de semillas a través de dispositivos móviles en bancos de recursos genéticos. VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Telemática (CITA), Popayán, Colombia, 11 de junio de 2015

González DF; Hernández AM, Machuca L.2015.Experiencia en el mejoramiento del proceso de producción de semillas a través de dispositivos móviles en bancos de recursos genéticos. VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Telemática (CITA), Popayán, Colombia, 11 de junio de 2015
Desarrollo de un método sencillo para medir la calidad del almidón agrio de yuca : Impacto del método sobre la agroindustria rural en el departamento del Cauca (Colombia)

Desarrollo de un método sencillo para medir la calidad del almidón agrio de yuca : Impacto del método sobre la agroindustria rural en el departamento del Cauca (Colombia)

Fernández, Alejandro; Zakhia, Nadine; Ruiz, Ricardo; Trujillo, José M. 2002. Desarrollo de un método sencillo para medir la calidad del almidón agrio de yuca : Impacto del método sobre la agroindustria rural en el departamento del Cauca (Colombia). Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Proyecto de Desarrollo de Agroempresas Rurales, Cali, CO. 7 p.
Sustainable woodfuel management in refugee-hosting areas in East Cameroon

Sustainable woodfuel management in refugee-hosting areas in East Cameroon

Tabi Eckebil PP, Awono A, Ingram V, Eba’a Atyi R, Hiol Hiol F, Schure J. 2022. Sustainable woodfuel management in refugee-hosting areas in East Cameroon. Brief #7. Sustainable Woodfuel Brief Series. Governing Multifunctional Landscapes Project. Bogor, Indonesia and Nairobi, Kenya: CIFOR-ICRAF.
Scientific Publication

Contribution of woodfuel to meet the energy needs of the population of Central Africa: Prospects for sustainable management of available resources

Schure, J., Marien, J-N., de Wasseige, C., Drigo, R., Salbitano, F., Dirou, S., Nkoua, M. . 2012. Contribution of woodfuel to meet the energy needs of the population of Central Africa : Prospects for sustainable management of available resources. In de Wasseige, C. de Marcken, P. Bayol, N. Hiol-Hiol F. Mayaux, P. Desclee, B. Nasi, R. Billand, A. Defourny, P. Eba'a Atyi, R.. The Forest of the Congo Basin – State of the Forest 2010 : 109-122. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Scientific Publication

Comparative analysis of climate change impact on livestock in relation to biomass base feed availability using standardized precipitation index in south-western Ethiopia

Amejo, A.G., Gebere, Y.M., Kassa, H., Tana, T. 2018. Comparative analysis of climate change impact on livestock in relation to biomass base feed availability using standardized precipitation index in south-western Ethiopia. International Journal of Livestock Production, 9 (7): 184-191.
Book / Monograph

Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in Indonesia: options and challenges for fair and efficient payment distribution mechanisms

van Noordwijk, M., Purnomo, H., Peskett, L., Setiono, B. 2008. Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in Indonesia: options and challenges for fair and efficient payment distribution mechanisms . Working Paper No.81. Bogor, Indonesia, World Agroforestry Centre - ICRAF Southeast Asia Regional Office. 29p
Dataset / Tabular

Replication Data for: Genetic dissection of quantitative resistance to common rust (Puccinia sorghi) in tropical maize (Zea mays L.) by combined GWAS, linkage mapping, and genomic prediction

Ren, Jiaojiao; Li, Zhimin; Wu, Penghao; Zhang, Ao; Liu, Yubo; Hu, Guanghui; Cao, Shiliang; Qu, Jingtao; Dhliwayo, Thanda; Zheng, Hongjian; Olsen, Michael Scott; Boddupalli, Prasanna; San Vicente, Felix; Zhang, Xuecai, 2021, "Replication Data for: Genetic dissection of quantitative resistance to common rust (Puccinia sorghi) in tropical maize (Zea mays L.) by combined GWAS, linkage mapping, and genomic prediction",, CIMMYT Research Data & Software Repository Network, V1
Dataset / Tabular

Supplemental data for deciphering resistance to Zymoseptoria tritici in the Tunisian durum wheat landrace accession ‘Agili39’

Ferjaoui, Sahbi; Aouini, Lamia; Slimane, Rim B; Ammar, Karim; Dreisigacker, Susanne; Schouten, Henk J; Sapkota, Suraj; Bahri, Bochra A; M’Barek, Sarrah Ben; Visser, Richard G.F; Kema, Gert H.J; Hamza, Sonia, 2021, "Supplemental data for deciphering resistance to Zymoseptoria tritici in the Tunisian durum wheat landrace accession ‘Agili39’",, CIMMYT Research Data & Software Repository Network, V1
Working Paper

Maize Annual Report 2016

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) et al., 'Maize Annual Report 2016', 2016
Scientific Publication

Grain quality of spring and winter wheat of Kazakhstan

Abugalieva, A; Peña-Bautista, R.J, 'Grain quality of spring and winter wheat of Kazakhstan', The Asian and Australasian Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology, vol. 4, Global Science Books, 2010