
Scientific Publication

Inclusive, public-private partnership-based municipal solid waste composting for profit (A2Z Infrastructure Limited, India) - Case Study

Otoo, Miriam; Singh, J.; Hope, L.; Amerasinghe, Priyanie. 2018. Inclusive, public-private partnership-based municipal solid waste composting for profit (A2Z Infrastructure Limited, India) - Case Study. In Otoo, Miriam; Drechsel, Pay (Eds.). Resource recovery from waste: business models for energy, nutrient and water reuse in low- and middle-income countries. Oxon, UK: Routledge - Earthscan. pp.381-390.
Fish for whom?: Integrating the management of social complexities into technical investments for inclusive, multi-functional irrigation
Scientific Publication

Fish for whom?: Integrating the management of social complexities into technical investments for inclusive, multi-functional irrigation

Duncan, N.; de Silva, Sanjiv; Conallin, J.; Freed, S.; Akester, M.; Baumgartner, L.; McCartney, Matthew; Dubois, M.; Senaratna Sellamuttu, Sonali. 2021. Fish for whom?: Integrating the management of social complexities into technical investments for inclusive, multi-functional irrigation. World Development Perspectives, 22:100318. [doi:]
Valorisation du lait de vache par les femmes peulhs au benin: Analyse de l’efficacite des systemes de transformation agro-alimentaire du lait local en fromage
Poster / Presentation

Valorisation du lait de vache par les femmes peulhs au benin: Analyse de l’efficacite des systemes de transformation agro-alimentaire du lait local en fromage

Saroumi, Y. and Kpenavoun, S. 2014. Valorisation du lait de vache par les femmes peulhs au benin: Analyse de l’efficacite des systemes de transformation agro-alimentaire du lait local en fromage. Poster prepared for the ILRI-CTA African Dairy Value Chain Seminar, Nairobi, Kenya, 21-24 September 2014. Cotonou, Benin: University of Abomey.
Fodder seeds: empowering women and closing gaps in Afghanistan
Online Sources

Fodder seeds: empowering women and closing gaps in Afghanistan

Yngve Braaten, Mounir Louhaichi, Sawsan Hassan. (15/5/2018). Fodder seeds: empowering women and closing gaps in Afghanistan. URL:,
Food intake patterns among women in rural South Haiti
Poster / Presentation

Food intake patterns among women in rural South Haiti

Dessalines, Michael; Finnigan, Mousson; Hromi-Fiedler, Amber; Pachón, Helena; Pérez Escamilla, Rafael. 2009. Food intake patterns among women in rural South Haiti [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.
Poster / Presentation

Enhancing the employment of women fish retailers in Egypt

Kantor, P. 2013. Enhancing the employment of women fish retailers in Egypt. Presented at the Livestock and Fish Gender Working Group Workshop and Planning Meeting, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 14-18 October 2013. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish.
Scientific Publication

Cash transfers, migration, and gender norms

Hidrobo, Melissa; Mueller, Valerie; Roy, Shalini, 'Cash transfers, migration, and gender norms', American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 104(2), pp. 550-568, Wiley, 2022