
Poster / Presentation

TH4.3: Rural women's income diversification through underutilized species: Processing and marketing of the African locust bean in northern Ghana

Ziblila, Rashida Chantima, Konlan, Lydia Madintin, Thiele, Lara Elena, Amo-Aidoo, Araba, Lelea, Margareta Amy, Kaufmann, Brigitte. 2021. TH4.3: Rural women's income diversification through underutilized species: Processing and marketing of the African locust bean in northern Ghana. Presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021.
Poster / Presentation

FR1.1: The growing importance of cassava cultivation, processing and marketing to livelihood security in Nigeria: A life history analysis

Olaosebikan, Olamide, Madu, Tessy, Okoye, Benjamin, Bello, Abolore, Tufan, Hale A., Kulakow, Peter, Cole, Steven M., Teeken, Béla. 2021. FR1.1: The growing importance of cassava cultivation, processing and marketing to livelihood security in Nigeria: A life history analysis. Presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021.
TH4.2: Is South Asian Agriculture Feminizing?
Poster / Presentation

TH4.2: Is South Asian Agriculture Feminizing?

Gartaula, Hom, Farnworth, Cathy R., Atreya, Kishor. 2021. TH4.2: Is South Asian Agriculture Feminizing?. Presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021.
Género y Cambio Climátio: Por qué y cómo trabajar iniciativas de Agricultura Sostenibe Adaptada al Clima con enfoque de género
Training Material

Género y Cambio Climátio: Por qué y cómo trabajar iniciativas de Agricultura Sostenibe Adaptada al Clima con enfoque de género

Schuster-Ubilla S, Espinoza-Oyarzún J, Gómez-Nome C, Howland F, Pino-Calderón A, Valenzuela-Lagos E. 2021. Género y Cambio Climátio: Por qué y cómo trabajar iniciativas de Agricultura Sostenibe Adaptada al Clima con enfoque de género. CCAFS Training Material. Wageningen, Países Bajos: Programa de investigación del CGIAR sobre cambio climático, agricultura y seguridad alimentaria (CCAFS).
Brechas de género para la adaptación al cambio climático en rubros priorizados del sector silvoagropecuario y recomendaciones para Chile

Brechas de género para la adaptación al cambio climático en rubros priorizados del sector silvoagropecuario y recomendaciones para Chile

Schuster-Ubilla S, Gómez-Nome C, Pino-Calderón A, Valenzuela-Lagos E, Howland F. 2021. Brechas de género para la adaptación al cambio climático en rubros priorizados del sector silvoagropecuario y recomendaciones para Chile. CCAFS Info Note. Wageningen, Países Bajos: Programa de investigación del CGIAR sobre cambio climático, agricultura y seguridad alimentaria (CCAFS).
TH2.4: Using the pro-WEAI for market Inclusion (pro-WEAI+MI) to assess the empowerment of participants in the Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) for women program in Benin
Poster / Presentation

TH2.4: Using the pro-WEAI for market Inclusion (pro-WEAI+MI) to assess the empowerment of participants in the Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) for women program in Benin

Heckert, Jessica, Simone Faas, Hazel Malapit, Greg Seymour, Catherine Ragasa, Sarah Eissler, Audrey Pereira. 2021. TH2.4: Using the pro-WEAI for market Inclusion (pro-WEAI+MI) to assess the empowerment of participants in the Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) for women program in Benin. Poster presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021.