
WE1.4: Gender relations on livestock production and animal-source food acquisition and consumption among smallholders in rural Timor-Leste: A mixed-methods exploration
Poster / Presentation

WE1.4: Gender relations on livestock production and animal-source food acquisition and consumption among smallholders in rural Timor-Leste: A mixed-methods exploration

Bonis-Profumo, Gianna, Rosario Pereira, Domingas do, Stacey, Natasha, Brimblecombe, Julie. 2021. WE1.4: Gender relations on livestock production and animal-source food acquisition and consumption among smallholders in rural Timor-Leste: A mixed-methods exploration. Poster presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021.
TH2.4: Changes in Women's Empowerment in the Household, Women's Diet Diversity, and Their Relationship Against the Background of COVID-19 in Southern Bangladesh
Poster / Presentation

TH2.4: Changes in Women's Empowerment in the Household, Women's Diet Diversity, and Their Relationship Against the Background of COVID-19 in Southern Bangladesh

Lecoutere, Els, Berg, Marrit van den, Brauw, Alan de. 2021. TH2.4: Changes in Women's Empowerment in the Household, Women's Diet Diversity, and Their Relationship Against the Background of COVID-19 in Southern Bangladesh. Poster presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021. Nairobi: CGIAR GENDER Platform
Poster / Presentation

WE5.1: Gendered Time Use Life Cycle among Senegalese peanut farmers

Blakeley, S. Lucille, Marter-Kenyon, Jessica, Banks, Jacqueline, Sweeney, Stuart, Baylis, Kathy, Ndiaye, Codou , Diop, Maimouna. 2021. WE5.1: Gendered Time Use Life Cycle among Senegalese peanut farmers. Presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021.
Poster / Presentation

WE1.2: A gendered aquaculture value chain analysis in northwestern Bangladesh

Adam, Rahma, Kruijssen, Froukje, Choudhury, Afrina, Danielsen, Katrine, McDougall, Cynthia, Newton, Julie, Smits, Esther, Shelley, Colin. 2021. WE1.2: A gendered aquaculture value chain analysis in northwestern Bangladesh. Presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021.
Presente y futuro de las juventudes Rurales en la región SICA ante el escenario de COVID-19: Análisis de género, de opiniones, valores, expectativas, vivencias y proyectos de vida
Working Paper

Presente y futuro de las juventudes Rurales en la región SICA ante el escenario de COVID-19: Análisis de género, de opiniones, valores, expectativas, vivencias y proyectos de vida

Bonder G, Benedetti A, López A. 2021. Presente y futuro de las juventudes Rurales en la región SICA ante el escenario de COVID-19: Análisis de género, de opiniones, valores, expectativas, vivencias y proyectos de vida. CCAFS Working Paper no. 379. Wageningen, Países Bajos: Programa de investigación del CGIAR sobre Cambio Climático, Agricultura y Seguridad Alimentaria (CCAFS).