
The role of gender in crop value chain in Ethiopia
Scientific Publication

The role of gender in crop value chain in Ethiopia

Aregu, L., Puskur, R. and Bishop-Sambrook, C. 2011. The role of gender in crop value chain in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the Gender and Market Oriented Agriculture (AgriGender 2011) Workshop, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 31st January-2nd February 2011. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Scientific Publication

Using quantitative tools to measure gender differences within value chains

Madrigal, Lucia; Torero, Maximo, 'Using quantitative tools to measure gender differences within value chains', In Innovation for inclusive value-chain development: Successes and challenges. Devaux, André; Torero, Máximo; Donovan, Jason; Horton, Douglas (Eds.). Chapter 14. Pp. 441-464, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2016
Farmer business schools in Bohol, the Philippines: A gender assessment.

Farmer business schools in Bohol, the Philippines: A gender assessment.

Kawarazuka, N.; Teruel, R.T.; Babilonia, G.M. 2019. Farmer business schools in Bohol, the Philippines: A gender assessment. Final Report. Food Resilience Through Root and Tuber Crops in Upland and Coastal Communities of the Asia‐Pacific (FOODSTART+) Project. Lima (Peru). International Potato Center. 20 p.

Participatory gender training for community groups: a manual for critical discussions on gender norms, roles and relations

Leder, Stephanie; Das, Dipika; Reckers, Andrew; Karki, Emma. 2016. Participatory gender training for community groups: a manual for critical discussions on gender norms, roles and relations. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE); International Water Management Institute (IWMI).. 50p.
Gender-inclusive facilitation for community-based marine resource management. An addendum to “Community-based marine resource management in Solomon Islands: A facilitators guide” and other guides for CBRM

Gender-inclusive facilitation for community-based marine resource management. An addendum to “Community-based marine resource management in Solomon Islands: A facilitators guide” and other guides for CBRM

Kleiber, D. et al. (2019). Gender-inclusive facilitation for community-based marine resource management. An addendum to “Community-based marine resource management in Solomon Islands: A facilitators guide” and other guides for CBRM. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems. Program Brief: FISH-2019-08
Weathering the storm or storming the norms? Moving gender equality forward in climate-resilient agriculture - Introduction to the Special Issue on Gender Equality in Climate-Smart Agriculture: Approaches and Opportunities
Scientific Publication

Weathering the storm or storming the norms? Moving gender equality forward in climate-resilient agriculture - Introduction to the Special Issue on Gender Equality in Climate-Smart Agriculture: Approaches and Opportunities

Huyer S, Partey ST. 2020. Weathering the storm or storming the norms? Moving gender equality forward in climate-resilient agriculture - Introduction to the Special Issue on Gender Equality in Climate-Smart Agriculture: Approaches and Opportunities. Climatic Change 158:1-12.