

Analysis of drivers of agricultural growth, feminization of agriculture and crop modeling tools: Capacity building workshop for the taskforce members of the Renewable Natural Resources (RNR) Strategy 2040 for Bhutan

Pathak, Himanshu, 'Analysis of drivers of agricultural growth, feminization of agriculture and crop modeling tools: Capacity building workshop for the taskforce members of the Renewable Natural Resources (RNR) Strategy 2040 for Bhutan', CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Wageningen, The Netherlands, 2019
Scientific Publication

Equity implication of alternative institutional arrangements in groundwater sharing: Evidence from West Bengal, India

Mukherji, Aditi. 2007. Equity implication of alternative institutional arrangements in groundwater sharing: Evidence from West Bengal, India. In Ragone, S. (Ed.). The Global Importance of Groundwater in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Groundwater Sustainability, Alicante, Spain, 24-27 January 2006. Westerville, OH, USA: National Groundwater Association. pp.305-315.
Book / Monograph

Report on the stakeholder meeting: Enhancing applicability of innovative methodologies and tools to improve engagement and participation of stakeholders and decision-makers at every stage of the decision process in the management of dams along the Victoria Nile in Uganda

Zaake, B. (ed.). 2007. Report on the stakeholder meeting: Enhancing Applicability of Innovative Methodologies and Tools to Improve Engagement and Participation of Stakeholders and Decision-Makers at Every Stage of the Decision Process in the Management of Dams along the Victoria Nile in Uganda. Entebbe, Uganda 19-20 July 2007. Sri Lanka, Colombo: IWMI
Evaluación de la distribución espacial de la biodiversidad de papa en los distritos de Challabamba en Cusco y Quilcas en Junín mediante el uso del mapeo participativo = Assessment of the spatial distribution of potato biodiversity in the districts of Challabamba in Cusco and Quilcas in Junín through the use of participatory mapping
Scientific Publication

Evaluación de la distribución espacial de la biodiversidad de papa en los distritos de Challabamba en Cusco y Quilcas en Junín mediante el uso del mapeo participativo = Assessment of the spatial distribution of potato biodiversity in the districts of Challabamba in Cusco and Quilcas in Junín through the use of participatory mapping

Plasencia, Franklin; Juarez, Henry; Polreich, Severin; De Haan, Stef. (2018). Evaluación de la distribución espacial de la biodiversidad de papa en los distritos de Challabamba en Cusco y Quilcas en Junín mediante el uso del mapeo participativo = Assessment of the spatial distribution of potato biodiversity in the districts of Challabamba in Cusco and Quilcas in Junín through the use of participatory mapping. Revista del Instituto de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Geología, Minas, Metalurgia y Ciencias Geográfica, 21(41): 17-24
Scientific Publication

Innovation diffusion of producer institution to achieve better equity in furniture industry in Indonesia

Purnomo, H., Suyamto, D., Achdiawan, R., Irawati, R.H., Shantiko, B., Melati . 2013. Innovation diffusion of producer institution to achieve better equity in furniture industry in Indonesia Commoners and the Changing Commons: Livelihoods, Environmental Security, and Shared Knowledge, the Fourteenth Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons, Japan, June 3-7, 2013
Participatory potato seed production in Tigray.
Scientific Publication

Participatory potato seed production in Tigray.

Hailemariam, G.; Woldegiorgis, G.; Abraha, E.; Lemaga, B.; Schulz, S. 2013. Participatory potato seed production in Tigray. In: Woldegiorgis, G.; Schulz, S.; Berihun, B. (eds.). Seed potato tuber production and dissemination, experiences, challenges and prospects: Proceedings. National Workshop on Seed Potato Tuber Production and Dissemination. Bahir Dar (Ethiopia). 12-14 Mar 2012. (Ethiopia). Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR); Amhara Regional Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI); International Potato Center ISBN 978-99944-53-87-x. pp. 200-210.
Strengthening participatory irrigation management in Tajikistan

Strengthening participatory irrigation management in Tajikistan

International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 2018. Strengthening participatory irrigation management in Tajikistan. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI).. 8p. (IWMI Water Policy Brief 41) doi: 10.5337/2018.212
Poster / Presentation

WANA Gender Workshop

Najjar, D. 2014. WANA Gender Workshop. Amman, Jordan: CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems.
Selección participativa de variedades/clones de papa con buen comportamiento agronómico y potencial de mercado con varios actores de la cadena de valor
Scientific Publication

Selección participativa de variedades/clones de papa con buen comportamiento agronómico y potencial de mercado con varios actores de la cadena de valor

Monteros, C.; Ortega, D.; Camacho, J.; Quimbiamba, V.; Panchi, N.; Monar, C.; Cuesta, X. 209. Selección participativa de variedades/clones de papa con buen comportamiento agronómico y potencial de mercado con varios actores de la cadena de valor. En: Rivadeneira, J.; Racines, M.; Cuesta, X. (eds.). 2019. Libro de Memorias. 8 Congreso Ecuatoriano de la Papa. Soberanía Alimentaria y Nutrición. Ambato (Ecuador). 27-28 Jun 2019. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. ISBN 978-9942-22-449-1. p. 93-94
Inventario de tecnologias de papa generadas por INIAP y CIP en Ecuador.
Scientific Publication

Inventario de tecnologias de papa generadas por INIAP y CIP en Ecuador.

Torres, L.; Montesdeoca, F.; Gallegos, P.; Castillo, C.; Asaquibay, C.; Valverde, F.; Orozco, F.; Perez, C.; Monteros, C.; Cuesta, X.; Taipe, A.; Andrade Piedra, J.L. 2011. Inventario de tecnologias de papa generadas por INIAP y CIP en Ecuador. In: Andrade Piedra, J.; Reinoso, J.; Ayala, S. (eds). Memorias. 4. Congreso Ecuatoriano de la Papa. Guaranda (Ecuador) 28-30 jun 2011. Guaranda (Ecuador). Gobierno Autonomo Descentralizado del canton Guaranda; Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganaderia, Acuacultura y Pesca; Universidad Estatal de Bolivar; INIAP; Consorcio de la Papa; FAO; Fondo Ecuatoriano Populorum Progressio; CIP. pp. 130-131.