
Gender Research in WANA Flagship
Poster / Presentation

Gender Research in WANA Flagship

Dina Najjar. (26/4/2014). Gender Research in WANA Flagship. Beirut, Lebanon: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Continuity and change: performing gender in rural Tanzania
Scientific Publication

Continuity and change: performing gender in rural Tanzania

Badstue, L., Farnworth, C. R., Umantseva, A., Kamanzi, A., & Roeven, L. (2021). Continuity and Change: Performing Gender in Rural Tanzania. *Journal of Development Studies*, 57(2), 310–325.
Gender and innovation in Peru's native potato market chains.
Scientific Publication

Gender and innovation in Peru's native potato market chains.

Sarapura Escobar, S.; Hambly Odame, H.; Thiele, G. 2016. Gender and innovation in Peru's native potato market chains. In: Njuki, J.; Parkins, J. Kaler, A. (eds). Transforming gender and food security in the Global South. New York (USA). Routledge; International Development Research Centre (IDRC). ISBN 978-1-138-68041-8. pp. 160-185.
Working Paper

Gender and forest tenure reform in Indonesia

Siscawati, M. 2020. Gender and forest tenure reform in Indonesia. CIFOR Working Paper No. 258. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Scientific Publication

The dark side of competition: Gender differences

Chang, Simone; Kan, Kamhon; Zhang, Xiaobo, 'The dark side of competition: Gender differences', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2016
Reporte Encuesta de Género: Cauca, Colombia.
Poster / Presentation

Reporte Encuesta de Género: Cauca, Colombia.

Twyman, J., Muriel, J., Clavijo, M. 2016. Reporte Encuesta de Género: Cauca, Colombia. CCAFS. Programa de investigación de CGIAR en Cambio Climático, Agricultura y Seguridad Alimentaria (CCAFS). Copenhague, Dinamarca. Disponible en:
Scientific Publication

Gender and irrigation management: Issues and challenges

Zwarteveen, M. 1994. Gender and irrigation management: Issues and challenges. In IIMI, Gender issues and irrigation management: First annual progress report for 1993/1994. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 16p.
Scientific Publication

Gender and urban agriculture: the case of Accra, Ghana

Hope, Lesley; Cofie, Olufunke; Keraita, Bernard; Drechsel, Pay. 2009. Gender and urban agriculture: the case of Accra, Ghana. In Hovorka, A.; de Zeeuw, H.; Njenga, M. (Eds). Women feeding cities: mainstreaming gender in urban agriculture and food security. Warwickshire, UK: Practicle Action Publishing. pp.65-78.