
Scientific Publication

Gender dimensions of urban and peri-urban agriculture in Hyderabad, India

Gayathri Devi, M.; Buechler, S. 2009. Gender dimensions of urban and peri-urban agriculture in Hyderabad, India. In Hovorka, A.; de Zeeuw, H.; Njenga, M. (Eds). Women feeding cities: mainstreaming gender in urban agriculture and food security. Warwickshire, UK: Practicle Action Publishing. pp.35-50.
Scientific Publication

Gender norms and agricultural innovation: Insights from Uganda

Rietveld, A. 2017. Gender norms and agricultural innovation: Insights from Uganda. IN: Öborn, I., Vanlauwe, B., Phillips, M., Thomas, R., Brooijmans, W. and Atta-Krah, K. (eds.), Sustainable intensification in smallholder agriculture: An integrated systems research approach. London, UK: Routledge: 289-303.
Gender equitable pig business hubs in Uganda
Poster / Presentation

Gender equitable pig business hubs in Uganda

Ouma, E., Ochago, R., Dione, M., Birungi, R. and Lule, P. 2016. Gender equitable pig business hubs in Uganda. Presented at the World Congress on Innovations for Livestock Development, Nakuru, Kenya, 26-30 June 2016. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Gender Research in WANA Flagship
Poster / Presentation

Gender Research in WANA Flagship

Dina Najjar. (26/4/2014). Gender Research in WANA Flagship. Beirut, Lebanon: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Continuity and change: performing gender in rural Tanzania
Scientific Publication

Continuity and change: performing gender in rural Tanzania

Badstue, L., Farnworth, C. R., Umantseva, A., Kamanzi, A., & Roeven, L. (2021). Continuity and Change: Performing Gender in Rural Tanzania. *Journal of Development Studies*, 57(2), 310–325.
Gender and innovation in Peru's native potato market chains.
Scientific Publication

Gender and innovation in Peru's native potato market chains.

Sarapura Escobar, S.; Hambly Odame, H.; Thiele, G. 2016. Gender and innovation in Peru's native potato market chains. In: Njuki, J.; Parkins, J. Kaler, A. (eds). Transforming gender and food security in the Global South. New York (USA). Routledge; International Development Research Centre (IDRC). ISBN 978-1-138-68041-8. pp. 160-185.
Working Paper

Gender and forest tenure reform in Indonesia

Siscawati, M. 2020. Gender and forest tenure reform in Indonesia. CIFOR Working Paper No. 258. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Scientific Publication

The dark side of competition: Gender differences

Chang, Simone; Kan, Kamhon; Zhang, Xiaobo, 'The dark side of competition: Gender differences', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2016
Reporte Encuesta de Género: Cauca, Colombia.
Poster / Presentation

Reporte Encuesta de Género: Cauca, Colombia.

Twyman, J., Muriel, J., Clavijo, M. 2016. Reporte Encuesta de Género: Cauca, Colombia. CCAFS. Programa de investigación de CGIAR en Cambio Climático, Agricultura y Seguridad Alimentaria (CCAFS). Copenhague, Dinamarca. Disponible en: