
Assessing how agricultural technologies can change gender dynamics and food security outcomes

watering plants Photo: Emmanuel Museruka/CIP

Providing researchers, extension agents and practitioners with a systematic process for improving the design and dissemination of agricultural technologies to support gender equality and improved nutritional outcomes.

Why is the tool important?

This toolkit is intended to provide readers with a set of tools to collect, organize and interpret information about agricultural technologies to improve the design and dissemination of agricultural technologies in ways that increase adoption by women and men farmers. The technology assessment is primarily a tool to examine the potential impact of agricultural technologies on women and men, with nutritional impacts a secondary focus. It highlights the gender dimensions of agricultural technologies, drawing specific attention to issues related to time and labor, food availability, access, quality and safety as well as income and assets.

Who is the tool for?

 Agricultural researchers, extension agents or practitioners interested in learning how to address gender and nutrition issues. 

It is also for anyone interested in learning how to enhance the value of agricultural technologies for men and women, contributing to higher incomes and healthier households.

Country of focus: Bangladesh, Zambia, Nepal, and Sierra Leone

How can I use the tool?

This toolkit consists of a guide in three parts: Learn, Apply and Share. It offers readers an understanding of the relationships between gender, nutrition and agricultural technologies and how to address these issues systematically.

When and how was it developed?

The toolkit is a three-part document developed under the United States Agency for International Development-funded (USAID) Integrating Gender and Nutrition within Agricultural Extension Services (INGENAES) project led by the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign.

Piloting of the tools resulted in 11 technology profiles that addressed rice processing, mini-tillers, fish feed, conservation practices for vegetable production, Aflasafe, CSISa pond and gardening, digital fat testers, Purdue improved crop storage and treadle pumps.

Where can I get the tool? Who can I contact?

You can read more about the tool profile or download the three parts:
