Helping men and boys in aquatic agricultural systems think about harmful gender norms

This manual helps practitioners run activities with men and boys in aquatic agricultural systems to critically reflect on harmful gender stereotypes and to guide change.
Why is the manual important?
Power and gender inequalities perpetuate poverty and harm well-being—including in aquatic agricultural systems.
When people understand gender inequality, they can create more inclusive environments for women in aquatic agricultural development, promote shared financial and household decision-making, increase negotiation and communication skills, promote men’s involvement in care work, and understand how to stop cycles of violence.
Who is the manual for?
This manual is for action-researchers and practitioners who want to talk to men and boys in gender-transformative ways about gender-based harm.
Individuals and teams from research organizations, non-governmental organizations, government agencies and community facilitators can also use the manual.
How can I use the manual?
The manual contains 13 activity-based group sessions to engage men and boys in gender-transformative dialogue about how power and gender inequalities perpetuate poverty and harm well-being.
You can use the sessions individually or in sets, integrated into larger projects or change processes. You can track the effects of the sessions using qualitative or quantitative measures.
Sessions can also be used in participatory action research (PAR) or shared learning processes, as they involve collaborative inquiry and self-reflection, and the learning outcomes are action-based.
When and how was it developed?
The CGIAR Research Program (CRP) on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) developed the manual in 2016 with WorldFish and Promundo-US.
Where can I get the manual? Who can I contact?
You can download the PDF manual here [828 KB].
Jane Kato-Wallace
Promundo-US & CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems. 2016. Promoting Gender-Transformative Change with Men and Boys: A Manual to Spark Critical Reflection on Harmful Gender Norms with Men and Boys in Aquatic Agricultural Systems. Washington DC: Promundo-US and Penang: CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems.

Promoting gender-transformative change with men and boys: A Manual to spark critical reflection on harmful gender norms with men and boys in Aquatic Agricultural Systems

Communication interventions for gender equality and social equity in aquatic agricultural systems: A review of the literature