
Scientific Publication

Empoderamiento de la mujer rural en Guatemala, necesidades y oportunidades de medición: Posibles aplicaciones de una Métrica de Empoderamiento de las Mujeres para los Sistemas Estadísticos Nacionales (WEMNS)

Valiente, Regina et al., 'Empoderamiento de la mujer rural en Guatemala, necesidades y oportunidades de medición: Posibles aplicaciones de una Métrica de Empoderamiento de las Mujeres para los Sistemas Estadísticos Nacionales (WEMNS)', International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2023
Adaptación de líneas experimentales de frijol tipo negro y pinto en el altiplano semiárido de México
Scientific Publication

Adaptación de líneas experimentales de frijol tipo negro y pinto en el altiplano semiárido de México

Ibarra Pérez, Francisco José; Castillo Rosales, Adán; Ochoa Márquez, Roberto; Fernández Hernández, Pablo; Cázares Enríquez, Benito; Rosales Serna, Rigoberto; Núñez González, Samuel; Acosta Gallegos, Jorge Alberto. 1997. Adaptación de líneas experimentales de frijol tipo negro y pinto en el altiplano semiárido de México . In: Singh, Shree P; Voysest V., Oswaldo (eds.). Taller de Mejoramiento de Frijol para el Siglo XXI: Bases para una Estrategia para América Latina (1996, Cali, Colombia). [Trabajos presentados] . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 326-333.
Soil and water conservation and sustainable development
Scientific Publication

Soil and water conservation and sustainable development

Bantider, A.; Haileslassie, Amare; Alamirew, T.; Zeleke, G. 2021. Soil and water conservation and sustainable development. In Filho, W. L.; Azul, A. M.; Brandli, L.; Salvia, A. L.; Wall, T. (Eds). Clean water and sanitation. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 13p. (Online first). (Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals) [doi:]
Scientific Publication

Market interdependence and volatility transmission among major crops

Gardebroeck, Cornelis; Hernandez, Manuel A; Robles, Miguel, 'Market interdependence and volatility transmission among major crops', Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2013 AAEA & CAES Joint Annual Meeting, Washington,DC, August 4-6, 2013., Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Milwaukee, WI, USA, 2013

Synopsis: Women’s empowerment in Rwandan agriculture: A baseline assessment in the context of Rwanda’s gender and youth mainstreaming strategy and the fourth strategic plan for agricultural transformation

Rosenbach, Gracie et al., 'Synopsis: Women’s empowerment in Rwandan agriculture: A baseline assessment in the context of Rwanda’s gender and youth mainstreaming strategy and the fourth strategic plan for agricultural transformation', International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2023

Sustaining growth via water productivity: 2030/2050 scenarios

Veolia Water North America; International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 'Sustaining growth via water productivity: 2030/2050 scenarios', Veolia Water North America; International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C.; Chicago, IL, 2011
Scientific Publication

Embryo culture and somatic embryogenesis in cassava

Ng, S.Y.C. (1992). Embryo culture and somatic embryogenesis in cassava. Promotion of root crop-based industries: an incentive for research and development: proceedings of the 4th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for tropical Root Crops- Africa Branch, Kinshasa, Zaire, 5-8 December 1989, Kinshasa, Zaire, Ibadan, Nigeria: ISTRC-AB; IITA, (p. 129-131).
Scientific Publication

Nematodes and food security in sub-Saharan Africa

Coyne, D. (2020). Nematodes and food security in sub-Saharan Africa. In P. Deliang, L.W. Duncan, H. Wenkun and D. Coyne, Monitoring and management of transboundary crop nematodes: proceedings of the First Belt and Road International Nematology Symposium (p. 20-26).
Building resilience in fragile and conflict-affected agrifood systems through a water-energy-food nexus approach

Building resilience in fragile and conflict-affected agrifood systems through a water-energy-food nexus approach

Al-Zu’bi, Maha; Daher, B.; Brouziyne, Youssef; Laamrani, H.; Melhem, D.; Greatrix, Emma; Ruckstuhl, Sandra; McCartney, Matthew; Anarbekov, Oyture; Sanchez Ramirez, Juan Carlos; Nicol, Alan. 2023. Building resilience in fragile and conflict-affected agrifood systems through a water-energy-food nexus approach. Cairo, Egypt: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Initiative on Fragility to Resilience in Central and West Asia and North Africa. 8p.
Working Paper

Applications, benefits, and challenges of genome edited crops

Evanega, Sarah; Brown, Zachary; Bubeck, Dave; Falck-Zapeda, Jose; Chou, Fan-Li; Graham, Nat; Karavolias, Nicholas; Tripathi, Leena; and Yerka, Melinda. 2024. Applications, benefits, and challenges of genome edited crops. CAST Issue Paper 74. Ames, Iowa: Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST).
Dataset / Tabular


Amele, Asrat; Paterne Agre, '06aytTDrtrialUB', International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2022