
Scientific Publication

Poverty, food Prices, and dietary choices in Malawi

Pauw, Karl; Verduzco-Gallo, Íñigo; Ecker, Olivier, 'Poverty, food Prices, and dietary choices in Malawi', In Mapping the linkages between agriculture, food security and nutrition in Malawi. Chapter 3. Pp. 23-33, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Lilongwe, Malawi; Washington, D.C., 2015
Scientific Publication

Resilience for food security in the face of civil conflict in Yemen

Ecker, Olivier, 'Resilience for food security in the face of civil conflict in Yemen', In Resilience for food and nutrition security. Eds. Fan, Shenggen; Pandya-Lorch, Rajul and Yosef, Sivan. Chapter 7. Pp. 53-64., International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2014
Scientific Publication

Adjunctive therapies for AIDS dementia complex

Uthman, O.A.; Abdulmalik, J.O. Adjunctive therapies for AIDS dementia complex. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2008) (Issue 3) Art. No.: CD006496. (DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006496.pub2)
Nudging fisheries and aquaculture research towards food systems
Scientific Publication

Nudging fisheries and aquaculture research towards food systems

Simmance, F. A. Cohen, P. J. Huchery, C. Sutcliffe, S. Suri, S. K. Tezzo, X. Thilsted, S. H. Oosterveer, P. McDougall, C. Ahern, M. Freed, S. Byrd, K. A. Wesana, J. Cowx, I. G. Mills, D. J. Akester, M. Chan, C. Y. Nagoli, J. Wate, J. T. & Phillips, M. J. (2022). Nudging fisheries and aquaculture research towards food systems. Fish and Fisheries, 23, 34– 53.
Scientific Publication

Tritipyrum, a potential new salt-tolerant cereal

King, I.P.; Law, C.N.; Cant, K.A.; Orford, S.E.; Reader, S.M.; Miller, T.E. Tritipyrum, a potential new salt-tolerant cereal. Plant Breeding (1997) 116 (2) 127-132. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0523.1997.tb02166.x)
Magazine or Press item

Des animaux dans la forêt

CTA. 1988. Des animaux dans la forêt. Spore 18. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Magazine or Press item

Renforcer les capacités

CTA. 2000. Renforcer les capacités. Spore 88. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Scientific Publication

Factors associated with death and loss to follow-up in children on antiretroviral care in Mingalardon Specialist Hospital, Myanmar, 2006-2016

Kaung Nyunt KK, Han WW, Satyanarayana S, Isaakidis P, Hone S, Khaing AA, Nguyen Binh H, Oo HN. Factors associated with death and loss to follow-up in children on antiretroviral care in Mingalardon Specialist Hospital, Myanmar, 2006-2016. PLoS One (Internet). 2018;13(4):e0195435. Available from:
Scientific Publication

Global, regional, and subregional classification of abortions by safety, 2010–14: estimates from a Bayesian hierarchical model

Bela Ganatra, Caitlin Gerdts, Clémentine Rossier, Brooke Ronald Johnson, Özge Tunçalp, Anisa Assifi, Gilda Sedgh, Susheela Singh, Akinrinola Bankole, Anna Popinchalk, Jonathan Bearak, Zhenning Kang, Leontine Alkema, Global, regional, and subregional classification of abortions by safety, 2010–14: estimates from a Bayesian hierarchical model. The Lancet, Volume 390, Issue 10110, 2017, Pages 2372-2381
Scientific Publication

Patience, persistence and pragmatism: experiences and lessons learnt from the implementation of clinically integrated teaching and learning of evidence-based health care

Taryn Young, Anke Rohwer, Susan van Schalkwyk, Jimmy Volmink and Mike Clarke. Patience, persistence and pragmatism: experiences and lessons learnt from the implementation of clinically integrated teaching and learning of evidence-based health care - a qualitative study. Public Library of Science (PLOS) One 2015 10(6): e0131121. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0131121