
Addressing gender in agricultural research for development in the face of a changing climate: where are we and where should we be going?
Scientific Publication

Addressing gender in agricultural research for development in the face of a changing climate: where are we and where should we be going?

Kristjanson, Patricia; Bryan, Elizabeth; Bernier, Quinn; Twyman, Jennifer; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth; Kieran, Caitlin; Ringler, Claudia; Jost, Christine; Doss, Cheryl. 2017. Addressing gender in agricultural research for development in the face of a changing climate: where are we and where should we be going? . International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 15(5): 482-500.
A stable isotope study in Peruvian women demonstrates higher iron bioavailability in a yellow fleshed potato variety compared to a high iron purple fleshed potato
Poster / Presentation

A stable isotope study in Peruvian women demonstrates higher iron bioavailability in a yellow fleshed potato variety compared to a high iron purple fleshed potato

Burgos, G., Liria Domínguez, M.R., Penny, M., Fairweather, S., Felde, T. zum, Campos, H., Zeder, C., Zimmerman, M. (2020). A stable isotope study in Peruvian women demonstrates higher iron bioavailability in a yellow fleshed potato variety compared to a high iron purple fleshed potato. Micronutrient Forum, 5th Global Conference, November 9-13 2020
Scientific Publication

Identificación de caracteres de preferencia en variedades de yuca por parte de usuarios de la cadena producción-consumo en la región Caribe colombiana = Identification of preferred traits of cassava varieties by users in the production-consumption chain at the Colombian Caribbean region

López Montes, Antonio José; Marín Arredondo, Norbey. 2007. Identificación de caracteres de preferencia en variedades de yuca por parte de usuarios de la cadena producción-consumo en la región Caribe colombiana . Revista CORPOICA (Colombia) 8(2):42-49.
Changes in intra-household decision-making powers: Effects of a gender transformative approach in saving groups in the Barotse Floodplain, Zambia
Working Paper

Changes in intra-household decision-making powers: Effects of a gender transformative approach in saving groups in the Barotse Floodplain, Zambia

Cole SM, Barker-Perez E, Rajaratnam S, McDougall C, KatoWallace J, Muyaule C, Kaunda P, Puskur R, Longley C, Mulanda A, Mulanda J and Patel AE. 2021. Changes in intra-household decision-making powers: Effects of a gender transformative approach in saving groups in the Barotse Floodplain, Zambia. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems. Working Paper
Assessing the effect of adding maize and rice brans in the development by twin-screw extrusion of a ready-to-eat cereal formulated with flours of quality protein maize and zinc biofortified rice
Scientific Publication

Assessing the effect of adding maize and rice brans in the development by twin-screw extrusion of a ready-to-eat cereal formulated with flours of quality protein maize and zinc biofortified rice

Guevara-Guerrero, B., Montero-Montero, J.C., Fernández-Quintero, A., Jovana Rivera-Agredo, Y., Ospina-Patiño, B. & Gallego-Castillo, S. (2019). Assessing the effect of adding maize and rice brans in the development by twin-screw extrusion of a ready-to-eat cereal formulated with flours of quality protein maize and zinc biofortified rice. DYNA, 86(209): 298-303
Scientific Publication

How do intrahousehold dynamics change when assets are transferred to women? Evidence from BRAC’s Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction—Targeting the Ultra Poor program in Bangladesh

Das, Narayan et al., 'How do intrahousehold dynamics change when assets are transferred to women? Evidence from BRAC’s Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction—Targeting the Ultra Poor program in Bangladesh', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2013
Scientific Publication

An intimate partner violence prevention intervention for men, women, and couples in Ethiopia: Additional findings on substance use and depressive symptoms from a cluster-randomized controlled trial

Leight, Jessica et al., 'An intimate partner violence prevention intervention for men, women, and couples in Ethiopia: Additional findings on substance use and depressive symptoms from a cluster-randomized controlled trial', PLOS Medicine, vol. 17(8), p. e1003131, Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2020
Scientific Publication

Population estimates, consequences, and risk factors of obesity among pregnant and postpartum women in India: Results from a national survey and policy recommendations

Chopra, Mansi et al., 'Population estimates, consequences, and risk factors of obesity among pregnant and postpartum women in India: Results from a national survey and policy recommendations', International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 151(S1): 57-67, International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 2020
Scientific Publication

Using participatory epidemiological techniques to estimate the relative incidence and impact on livelihoods of livestock diseases amongst nomadic pastoralists in Turkana South District, Kenya

Bett, B.; Jost, C.; Allport, R.; Mariner, J. 2009. Using participatory epidemiological techniques to estimate the relative incidence and impact on livelihoods of livestock diseases amongst nomadic pastoralists in Turkana South District, Kenya. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 90:194-203.
Scientific Publication

A decade of Tropical Legumes projects: Development and adoption of improved varieties, creation of market-demand to benefit smallholder farmers and empowerment of national programmes in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia

Varshney, R K and Ojiewo, C O and Monyo, E (2019) A decade of Tropical Legumes projects: Development and adoption of improved varieties, creation of market-demand to benefit smallholder farmers and empowerment of national programmes in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Plant Breeding (TSI), 138 (4). pp. 379-388. ISSN 01799541
Scientific Publication

Can microplots contribute to rural households’ food security? Evaluation of a gender-sensitive land allocation program in West Bengal, India

Santos, Florence et al., 'Can microplots contribute to rural households’ food security? Evaluation of a gender-sensitive land allocation program in West Bengal, India', In Learning from eight agricultural development interventions in Africa and South Asia. Eds. Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela; Njuki, Jemimah and Johnson, Nancy. Pp. 11-14., International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2013