
Scientific Publication

Chapter 13 - SDG 13: Climate Action - Impacts on Forests and People

Louman, B., Keenan, R.J., Kleinschmit, D., Atmadja, S., Sitoe, A.A., Nhantumbo, I., de Camino Velozo, R., Morales, J.P. 2019. Chapter 13 - SDG 13: Climate Action - Impacts on Forests and People. In: P. Katila, C.J.P. Colfer, Jong, W. de G. Galloway, P. Pacheco, G. Winkel, (eds). Sustainable Development Goals: Their Impacts on Forests and People: 419-444. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Garcia, T, 'Gordo', CIMMYT, 2016
Scientific Publication

Long-term Profiles of CD4 Reconstitution in HIV-infected Children Initiating Antiretroviral Therapy in Uganda and Zimbabwe

Picat, M.Q.; Lewis, J.; Walker, A.S.; Musiime, V.; Kekitiinwa, A.; Nahirya Ntege, P.; Prendergast, A.; Callard, R.; Klein, N.; Nathoo, K. Long-term Profiles of CD4 Reconstitution in HIV-infected Children Initiating Antiretroviral Therapy in Uganda and Zimbabwe. Presented at 19th Conference on retroviruses and opportunistic infections, 5-8 March 2012, Seattle, WA, USA (Poster 967). (2012) 1 pp