
The Gender and Social Inclusion 5Q in Ghana

The Gender and Social Inclusion 5Q in Ghana

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2021. The Gender and Social Inclusion 5Q in Ghana. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2021. Innovations.
Aprendizaje social para diseñar y escalar sistemas sostenibles de uso de la tierra (SSUT) en áreas afectadas por conflictos

Aprendizaje social para diseñar y escalar sistemas sostenibles de uso de la tierra (SSUT) en áreas afectadas por conflictos

Bonatti, M.; Medina, L.; Rodríguez, Tatiana.; del Río, M.; Morales Muñoz, H.; Eufemia, L.; Chavez-Miguel, G.; Lana, M.; Löhr, K.; Vanegas-Cubillos, M.; Chará, J.; Sieber, S.; Castro-Nunez, A. (2022) Aprendizaje social para diseñar y escalar sistemas sostenibles de uso de la tierra (SSUT) en áreas afectadas por conflictos. Políticas en síntesis No. 70. Cali (Colombnia): Centro International de Agricultura Tropical 10 p.
Introduction to the CGIAR Gender and Breeding Initiative
Poster / Presentation

Introduction to the CGIAR Gender and Breeding Initiative

Thiele, Graham. 2018. Introduction to the CGIAR Gender and Breeding Initiative. This presentation was given during a webinar on May 17, 2018. This is the first of these presentations, given by Graham Thiele (RTB). Lima: International Potato Center

PIM Gender Research in 2016: Review

CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM), 'PIM Gender Research in 2016: Review', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 2017
Health and nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices of pregnant women attending and not-attending ANC clinics in Western Kenya: A cross-sectional analysis
Scientific Publication

Health and nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices of pregnant women attending and not-attending ANC clinics in Western Kenya: A cross-sectional analysis

Perumal, N.; Cole, D.C.; Ouedraogo, H.Z.; Sindi, K.; Loechl, C.; Low, J.; Levin, C.; Kiria, C.; Kurji, J.; Oyunga, M. 2013. Health and nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices of pregnant women attending and not-attending ANC clinics in Western Kenya: A cross-sectional analysis. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 13(146):1-13
Scientific Publication

The Use of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Context of Participatory Wildlife Management: Examples From Indigenous Communities in Puerto Nariño, Amazonas-Colombia

Van Vliet, N., L'haridon, L., Gomez, J., Vanegas, L., Sandrin, F., Nasi, R.. 2018. The Use of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Context of Participatory Wildlife Management : Examples From Indigenous Communities in Puerto Nariño, Amazonas-Colombia. In Rômulo Romeu Nóbrega Alves and Ulysses Paulino Albuquerque (eds.). Ethnozoology: Animals in Our Lives : 497-512. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Scientific Publication

Managing irrigation jointly with farmers: history, present status and future: review of participatory irrigation management in Sri Lanka

Jinapala, K.; Premadasa, L.; Somaratne, P. G.; Samad, Madar. 2010. Managing irrigation jointly with farmers: history, present status and future: review of participatory irrigation management in Sri Lanka. In Jinapala, K.; De Silva, Sanjiv; Aheeyar, M. M. M. (Eds.). Proceedings of the National Conference on Water, Food Security and Climate Change in Sri Lanka, BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 9-11 June 2009. Vol. 3. Policies, institutions and data needs for water management. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp.35-63.