
Socially inclusive digital tools for agriculture: A way forward

Socially inclusive digital tools for agriculture: A way forward

Dittmer, K.M.; Wollenberg, E.; Burns, S. (2022) Socially inclusive digital tools for agriculture: A way forward. Agroecological TRANSITIONS: Inclusive Digital Tools to Enable Climate-informed Agroecological Transitions (ATDT). Cali (Colombia):Alliance of Bioversity & CIAT. 7 p.
Gender and Social Inclusion in the Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative
Poster / Presentation

Gender and Social Inclusion in the Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative

Fischer, G., Bullock, R., Shresta, G., Najjar, D., Angel, N.T., Gartaula, H., Choudhury, D., Cavicchioli, M., Snyder, K., Khadka, M. and Burkat, S. 2022. Gender and Social Inclusion in the Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative. Presented at the Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative Planning and Inception Meeting, ILRI, Addis Ababa, 31 May–2 June 2022. Ibadan, Nigeria: IITA.
Scientific Publication

Challenges of Youth Involvement in Sustainable Food Systems: Lessons Learned from the Case of Farmers’ Value Network Embeddedness in Ugandan Multi-stakeholder Platforms

Dentoni et al., 'Challenges of Youth Involvement in Sustainable Food Systems: Lessons Learned from the Case of Farmers’ Value Network Embeddedness in Ugandan Multi-stakeholder Platforms', Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Through Sustainable Food Systems, pp. 113-129, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019
Scientific Publication

Grow to learn - Learning gardens for Syrian children and youth in Lebanon

Lauridsen, N. (2020) Grow to learn - Learning gardens for Syrian children and youth in Lebanon. [Case study 7]. In: Hunter, D. (et. al (eds.)) Agrobiodiversity, school gardens and healthy diets: Promoting biodiversity, food and sustainable nutrition. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. London (UK): Routledge. p. 215-221. ISBN: 9780367148850.