
Scientific Publication

Addressing gender in agricultural research for development in the face of a changing climate: where are we and where should we be going?

Kristjanson, Patricia, Elizabeth Bryan, Quinn Bernier, Jennifer Twyman, Ruth Meinzen-Dick, Caitlin Kieran, Claudia Ringler, Christine Jost, and Cheryl Doss. "Addressing gender in agricultural research for development in the face of a changing climate: where are we and where should we be going?." International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 15, no. 5 (2017): 482-500.
The Six "Ins" of Climate-Smart Agriculture Inclusive Institutions for Information, Innovation, Investment, and Insurance
Working Paper

The Six "Ins" of Climate-Smart Agriculture Inclusive Institutions for Information, Innovation, Investment, and Insurance

Meinzen-Dick, Ruth, Quinn Bernier, and Eric Haglund. "The six “ins” of climate-smart agriculture: Inclusive institutions for information, innovation, investment, and insurance." International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC Meinzen-Dick, R., Quisumbing, A., Behrman, J., Biermayr-Jenzano, P., Wilde, V., Noordeloos, M., Ragasa, C., Beintema 2011 (2013): 804-816.
Promise and contradiction: value chain participation and women's empowerment
Scientific Publication

Promise and contradiction: value chain participation and women's empowerment

Ihalainen, M., Shaikh, S., Mujawamariya, G., Mayanja, S., Adetonah, S., Tavenner, K. & Elias, M. (2021). Promise and contradiction: value chain participation and women’s empowerment. In R. Pyburn and A. van Eerdewijk, Advancing gender equality through agricultural and environmental research: past, present and future. Washington DC: IFPRI, (p.147-186).
Online Sources

Effective food system innovations: An evidence map

Lecoutere, E.; Berg, M. van den; Alan and Brauw, A.lan de. 2021. Effective Food System Innovations: An Evidence Map. Website. Washington D.C., US: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

Collective farming in Nepal

IWMI. 2021. Collective farming in Nepal (Nepal agriculture collectives). Video. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI.
Poster / Presentation

TH5.4: Do "Beef Bans” Affect Women's Health?

Majid, Farhan, Orman, Wafa Hakim, Dasgupta, Aparajita. 2021. TH5.4: Do "Beef Bans” Affect Women's Health?. Presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021.
TH2.4: Using the pro-WEAI for market Inclusion (pro-WEAI+MI) to assess the empowerment of participants in the Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) for women program in Benin
Poster / Presentation

TH2.4: Using the pro-WEAI for market Inclusion (pro-WEAI+MI) to assess the empowerment of participants in the Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) for women program in Benin

Heckert, Jessica, Simone Faas, Hazel Malapit, Greg Seymour, Catherine Ragasa, Sarah Eissler, Audrey Pereira. 2021. TH2.4: Using the pro-WEAI for market Inclusion (pro-WEAI+MI) to assess the empowerment of participants in the Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) for women program in Benin. Poster presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021.