
Scientific Publication

Systematic Numbering of Vegetative Compatibility Groups in the Plant Pathogenic Fungus Fusarium oxysporum

Alabouvette, C.; Baayen, R.P.; Bentley, S.; Brayford, D.; Coddington, A.; Correll, J.; Daboussi, M.J.; Elias, K.; Fernandez, D.; Gordon, T.R.; Katan, T.; Kim, H.G.; Kistler, H.C.; Leslie, J.F.; Martyn, R.D.; Migheli, Q.; Moore, N.Y.; O’ Donnell, K.; Ploetz, R.C.; Rutherford, M.A.; Summerell, B.; Waalwijk, C.; Woo, S. Systematic Numbering of Vegetative Compatibility Groups in the Plant Pathogenic Fungus Fusarium oxysporum. Phytopathology (1998) 88 (1) 30-32. (DOI: 10.1094/PHYTO.1998.88.1.30)
Scientific Publication

Why do migrants remit?

de la Briere, Benedicte et al., 'Why do migrants remit?', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 1997
Scientific Publication

Rural population growth, agricultural change, and natural resource management in developing countries: a review of hypotheses and some evidence from Honduras

Pender, John L, 'Rural population growth, agricultural change, and natural resource management in developing countries: a review of hypotheses and some evidence from Honduras', In Nancy Birdsall, Allen Kelley, and Steven Sinding, eds. Population Matters: Demographic Change, Poverty and Economic Growth in Developing Countries. Chapter 12, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2001
Scientific Publication

Unweaving the threads

Zambrano, Patricia et al., 'Unweaving the threads', AgBioForum 15(2): 125-137, 2012
Canaux de dissémination des informations météorologiques et climatiques au Sénégal

Canaux de dissémination des informations météorologiques et climatiques au Sénégal

Ouédraogo I, Diouf NS, Gnalenba A, Zougmoré R, Ndiaye O, 2020. Diffusion des informations climatiques et météorologiques au Sénégal. Document de capitalisation des acquis du projet USAID/CINSERE. Programme de Recherche du CGIAR sur le Changement Climatique, l’Agriculture et la Sécurité Alimentaire (CCAFS). Wageningen, Pays Bas, 20 pages.
Youth in livestock, the engine for change: strategic partnerships with a private company (CIAT/CCAFS-Alqueria): The beginnings, incentives, and objectives of the Herederos de Tradición (Heirs of Tradition) initiative carried out by Alquería’s farmer training programs.

Youth in livestock, the engine for change: strategic partnerships with a private company (CIAT/CCAFS-Alqueria): The beginnings, incentives, and objectives of the Herederos de Tradición (Heirs of Tradition) initiative carried out by Alquería’s farmer training programs.

Triana Angel N, Ariza Aya M. 2019. Youth in livestock, the engine for change: strategic partnerships with a private company (CIAT/CCAFS-Alqueria):The beginnings, incentives, and objectives of the Herederos de Tradición (Heirs of Tradition) initiative carried out by Alquería’s farmer training programs. CCAFS Info Note. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).

Climate-Smart Agriculture in Peru

Baca, M.; Nowak, A.; Lizarazo, M.; Imbach, P.; Halliday, A.; Zavariz-Romero, B.; Prasodjo, R.; Medellín, C.; Argote, K.; Cervantes de Blois, C.; Zamora, J.C.; Louman, B.; Jarvis, A.; Corner-Dolloff, C.; Bouroncle, C.; Edmeades, S.; Bucher, A. Climate-Smart Agriculture in Peru. World Bank, Washington DC, USA (2014) 12 pp. + 17 (Supplementary material) pp
Report / Case study

Plan 4C: A Competitive and Climate Compatible Cartagena. Executive Summary

Zamora-Bornachera, A.P.; López Rodríguez, A; Martinez, C.; Lacoste, M. Plan 4C: A Competitive and Climate Compatible Cartagena. Executive Summary. Office of the Mayor of Cartagena de Indias, Cartagena, Colombia (2014) 28 pp. ISBN 978-958-58875-2-7 (Invemar General Publications Series No. 77)

The Status of Climate Finance at COP20, Lima

Eckstein, D.; Kaloga, A.; Mazounie, A.; Harmeling, S.; Chhetri, R.; Imelda, H. The Status of Climate Finance at COP20, Lima. Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS), (2014) 24 pp