
Scientific Publication

Los beneficios de la reutilizacion de aguas y ejemplos en America Latina y el Caribe. In Spanish

Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Gonzalez, G.; Moscoso, J. 2017. Los beneficios de la reutilizacion de aguas y ejemplos en America Latina y el Caribe. In Spanish. [Benefits of water reuse and examples in Latin America and the Caribbean] In Mateo-Sagasta, Javier (Ed.). Reutilizacion de aguas para agricultura en America Latina y el Caribe: estado, principios y necesidades. Santiago, Chile: FAO. pp.21-27.

The Emperor’s new NAFTA

Glauber, Joseph, 'The Emperor’s new NAFTA', FARE Share Newsletter February 2019: 5-6, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 2019
Book / Monograph

Economic Impact of Regulations

Falck-Zepeda, Jose et al., 'Economic Impact of Regulations', Presentation made at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology in Lima, Peru, February 27 and 28, 2008, 2008
Scientific Publication

Acción colectiva para la innovación y el acceso de pequeños agricultores al mercado: La experiencia de Papa Andina (Collective action for innovation and small farmer access to market: The Andean Potato experience)

Devaux, A.; Velasco, C.; López, G.; Bernet, T.; Ordinola, M.; Pico, H.; Thiele, G.; Horton, D. Acción colectiva para la innovación y el acceso de pequeños agricultores al mercado: La experiencia de Papa Andina (Collective action for innovation and small farmer access to market: The Andean Potato experience). (2006) 38 pp. (In Spanish)
Scientific Publication

Negotiating watershed services 'Learning from new attempts to develop payments for watershed services that benefit livelihoods', IIED workshop, December 7th 2005

HOPE, R. A., PORRAS, I. T. AND AGARWAL, C. (2005). Negotiating watershed services 'Learning from new attempts to develop payments for watershed services that benefit livelihoods', IIED workshop, December 7th 2005. 15 pp. Centre for Land Use and Water Resources Research (CLUWRR), University of Newcastle; IIED; Winrock International India. Newcastle, UK; London, UK; New Delhi, India
Scientific Publication

Una estrategia para la sobrevivencia común: el agua y la relacion entre le municipio indígena de Tatahuicapan y la region industrial de Coatzacoalco- Minatitlan, en el sur de Veracruz, Mexico

Robles, C.; Pare, L. Una estrategia para la sobrevivencia común: el agua y la relacion entre le municipio indígena de Tatahuicapan y la region industrial de Coatzacoalco- Minatitlan, en el sur de Veracruz, Mexico (A common strategy for survival: water and the relationship between the indigenous municipality of Tatahuicapan and the industrial region of Coatzacoalcos-Minatitlan in southern Veracruz, Mexico). (2002) 53 pp
Scientific Publication

Sharing experiences: towards an evidence based model of dengue surveillance and outbreak response in Latin America and Asia

Badurdeen, S.; Benitez Valladares, D.; Farrar, J.; Gozzer, E.; Kroeger, A.; Kuswara, N.; Ranzinger, S.R.; Hien Tran Tinh; Leite, P.; Mahendradhata, Y.; Skewes, R.; Verrall, A. Sharing experiences: towards an evidence based model of dengue surveillance and outbreak response in Latin America and Asia. BMC Public Health (2013) 13: 607. (DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-607)
Scientific Publication

Disparities in children’s vocabulary and height in relation to household wealth and parental schooling

Sarah A.Reynolds, Chris Andersen, Jere Behrman, Abhijeet Singh, Aryeh D.Stein, Liza Benny, Benjamin T.Crookston, Santiago Cueto, Kirk Dearden, Andreas Georgiadis, Sonya Krutikova, Lia C.H.Fernald (2017), ‘Disparities in children’s vocabulary and height in relation to household wealth and parental schooling: A longitudinal study in four low- and middle-income countries’ in: Social Science and Medicine - Population Health, Volume 3, December 2017, Pages 767-786