
Magazine or Press item

Savoirs autochtones : Exploitation forestière

Tropical Forest Trust, 'Savoirs autochtones : Exploitation forestière', ICT Update, vol. 42, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Wageningen, 2008
Magazine or Press item

Santé : Un texto peut en cacher un autre

Neethling, Marcha, 'Santé : Un texto peut en cacher un autre', ICT Update, vol. 48, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Wageningen, 2009
Magazine or Press item

Énergie rurale : Les « énergiculteurs »

Hager, Claus-Peter, 'Énergie rurale : Les « énergiculteurs »', ICT Update, vol. 46, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Wageningen, 2008
Magazine or Press item

Services au paysan : Vu du ciel

Sibiry Traoré, Pierre C., 'Services au paysan : Vu du ciel', ICT Update, vol. 53, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Wageningen, 2010
Scientific Publication

Is there a correlation between malaria incidence and IRS coverage in western Zambezi region, Namibia?

Mumbengegwi DR, Sturrock H, Hsiang M, Roberts K, Kleinschmidt I, Nghipumbwa M, Uusiku P, Smith J, Bennet A, Kizito W, Takarinda K, Ade S, Gosling R. Is there a correlation between malaria incidence and IRS coverage in western Zambezi region, Namibia? Public Health Action (Internet). 2018 Apr 25 (cited 2018 Jun 25);8(1):44–9. Available from:
Scientific Publication

Can sub-Saharan Africa feed itself?

Martin K. van Ittersum et al. Can Sub-Saharan Africa’s feed itself? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Dec 2016, 113 (52) 14964-14969; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1610359113
Scientific Publication

Antenatal care and pregnancy outcomes in a safe motherhood health voucher system in rural Kenya, 2007–2013

A-B. Kihara, A. D. Harries, K. Bissell, W. Kizito, R. Van Den Berg, S. Mueke, A. Mwangi, J. C. Sitene, D. Gathara, R. J. Kosgei, J. Kiarie, P. Gichangi (2015) Antenatal care and pregnancy outcomes in a safe motherhood health voucher system in rural Kenya, 2007 – 2013. Public Health Action International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Health solutions for the poor vol 5 no 1