
Challenging chains to change

Market and Value chains Photo: Katrin Park/IFPRI

This book provides a framework, concepts, strategies and tools to inspire practitioners to improve gender equity in value chains and also highlights how gender equality can create space for women in value chains.


Why is the framework important?

This book provides a framework to analyze value chain interventions in terms of women's positions as well as to support design, monitoring and evaluation of value-chain interventions that contribute to gender equality.

It also aims to understand how gender equality contributes to pro-poor and economically efficient value chain development. 

Who is the framework for?

This framework is for practitioners.

Countries of focus: Burkina Faso, Uganda, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Guatemala, Ethiopia, Benin, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Kenya, Costa Rica, Ghana, Peru.

How can I use the framework?

This book contains an easy-to-read analysis of many excellent examples from practice that argue for many entry points and opportunities for addressing gender in value chain development, including ways that benefit both the men and women involved and the success and profitability of the chain itself.

 Written by practitioners, it brings together non-government organizations' experiences working on value chains and uses a gender lens in doing so. It follows a longstanding tradition of arguing for gender equality as being an intrinsic good as well as an instrumental one.

When and how was it developed?

This book is a culmination of a series of learning activities and events motivated through the Agri-ProFocus network starting in 2008. It was jointly written by practitioners and academics during a “write-shop” and international experts helped to validate and consolidate concepts and understanding.

Agri-ProFocus members Cordaid, Hivos, ICCO, KIT and Oxfam-Novib provided the time and financial means to create this book.

Where can I get the framework? Who can I contact?

Download the book here.
