
Household Care Survey questionnaire

Women preparing food at a child care center in Malawi Photo: Melissa Cooperman/IFPRI.

The questionnaire gathers quantitative data on how women, men and children spend their time, how care is provided, by whom, and contributing factors.

Why is the tool important?

Unpaid care and domestic work are critical for the well-being of household members, the smooth functioning of our societies, and the economy at large.

But there is a vast gender divide in who provides unpaid care. Government policies and official statistics largely ignore unpaid care and domestic work, so more data about this responsibility is critical for change.


Who is the tool for?

This tool is for development practitioners, policymakers, employers, academics and researchers.

Region of focus: Southern Africa


How can I use the tool?

The tool includes a detailed questionnaire for collecting quantitative data:

There are specific parts in the tool for people who:

  • are managing the survey
  • implement research and analysis
  • are interested in using results for program design or evaluation, policy advocacy and influencing

The tool includes more information, case studies and food for thought. The digital version of the toolkit also includes many links to other research documents and related sections within the document.


When and how was it developed?

Published in 2020, Oxfam developed the tool as part of the Women’s Economic Empowerment and Care (WE-Care) initiative.


Where can I get the tool? Who can I contact?

You can download a PDF of the survey here [656 KB].

Lucia Rost

Azevedo, A, Parkes, A and L Rost. 2020. “Household Care Survey Questionnnaire.” UK: Oxfam WE-Care.
