
Book / Monograph

A Review of Empirical Evidence on Gender Differences in Nonland Agricultural Inputs, Technology, and Services in Developing Countries

Peterman Amber, 'A Review of Empirical Evidence on Gender Differences in Nonland Agricultural Inputs, Technology, and Services in Developing Countries', In Gender in agriculture: Closing the knowledge gap. Part III Gender, assets, and inputs: Issues at the farm and household levels, ed. Agnes R. Quisumbing, Ruth Suseela Meinzen-Dick, Terri L. Raney, André Croppenstedt, Julia A. Behrman, and Amber Peterman. Chapter 7. Pp. 145-186, IFPRI, 2014
Scientific Publication

Livestock and Women?s Livelihoods

Patti Kristjanson et al., 'Livestock and Women?s Livelihoods', Gender in Agriculture, pp.209-233, Springer Netherlands, 2014
Gender Differences in Climate Change Perception and Adaptation Strategies: The Case of Three Provinces in Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta

Gender Differences in Climate Change Perception and Adaptation Strategies: The Case of Three Provinces in Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta

McKinley J, Adaro C, Pede VO, Rutsaert P, Setiyono T, Cong Thang T, Lien Huong D, Trung Kien N, Balangue Z, Bandyopadhyay S, Sheinkman M, and Wassman R. 2016. Gender Differences in Climate Change Perception and Adaptation Strategies: The Case of Three Provinces in Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta. CCAFS Report. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Scientific Publication

The Gender Asset Gap and Its Implications for Agricultural and Rural Development

Meinzen-Dick, R., Johnson, N., Quisumbing, A.R., Njuki, J., Behrman, J.A., Rubin, D., Peterman, A. and Waithanji, E. 2014. The gender asset gap and its implications for agricultural and rural development. IN: Quisumbing, A.R. et al. (eds.). 2014. Gender in agriculture: Closing the knowledge gap. Dordrecht: Springer and Rome: FAO: 91-115
Book / Monograph

Gender Implications of Poor Nutrition and Health in Agricultural Households

Harris Jody, 'Gender Implications of Poor Nutrition and Health in Agricultural Households', In Gender in agriculture: Closing the knowledge gap. Part III Gender, assets, and inputs: Issues at the farm and household levels, ed. Agnes R. Quisumbing, Ruth Suseela Meinzen-Dick, Terri L. Raney, André Croppenstedt, Julia A. Behrman, and Amber Peterman. Chapter 11. Pp. 267-283, IFPRI, 2014

Strengthening Capacity for Participatory Development

Cohen, Marc J; Garrett, James; Rocchigiani, Mariagrazia, 'Strengthening Capacity for Participatory Development', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); World Food Programme (WFP), Washington, D.C.; Rome, Italy, 2008

What should be included in the Green Climate Fund's new Gender Policy and Action Plan?: Lessons from CIFOR's research and analyses

Ihalainen, M., Sijapati Basnett, B., Larson, A.M., Duchelle, A.E., Pham, T.T., Djoudi, H.. 2017. What should be included in the Green Climate Fund's new Gender Policy and Action Plan? : Lessons from CIFOR's research and analyses. CIFOR Infobrief No. 179. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Scientific Publication

Gender, resource rights, and wetland rice productivity in Burkina Faso

van Koppen, Barbara, 'Gender, resource rights, and wetland rice productivity in Burkina Faso', In Institutional economics perspectives on African agricultural development. ed. Johann F. Kirsten, Andrew R. Dorward, Colin Poulton, and Nick Vink. Chapter 18. Pp. 389-408, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2009