
Scientific Publication

Comparison of treatment outcomes of new smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients by HIV and Antiretroviral status in a TB/HIV Clinic, Malawi

Tweya, H.; Feldacker, C.; Phiri, S.; Ben-Smith, A.; Fenner, L.; Jahn, A.; Kalulu, M.; Weigel, R.; Kamba, C.; Banda, R.; Egger, M.; Keiser, O. Comparison of Treatment Outcomes of New Smear-Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients by HIV and Antiretroviral Status in a TB/HIV Clinic, Malawi. PLoS ONE (2013) 8 (2) e56248. (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0056248)
Scientific Publication

Safety, efficacy and population pharmacokinetics of fixed-dose combination of artesunate-mefloquine

Neena Valecha; Srivastava, B.; Dubhashi, N.G.; Krishnamoorthy Rao, B.H.; Ashwani Kumar; Ghosh, S.K.; Singh, J.P.N.; Kiechel, J.R.; Sharma, B.; Julien, V.; Dash, A.P.; Taylor, W.R.J.; Anvikar, A.R. Safety, efficacy and population pharmacokinetics of fixed-dose combination of artesunate-mefloquine in the treatment of acute uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in India. Journal of Vector Borne Diseases (2013) 50 (4) 258-264
Scientific Publication

Levers for Alleviating Poverty in Forests and Tree-Based Systems

Hajjar, R., Newton, P., Ihalainen, M., Agrawal, A., Gabay, M., Alix-Garcia, J., Brown, S.E., Erbaugh, J.T., Hughes, K., Mawutor, S., Pacheco, P., Schoneveld, G.C., Song, C., Timko, J. 2020. Levers for Alleviating Poverty in Forests and Tree-Based Systems. In: Daniel C. Miller, Stephanie Mansourian & Christoph Wildburger (eds.), IUFRO World Series;Volume 39. Forests, Trees and the Eradication of Poverty: Potential and Limitations. A Global Assessment Report: 124-175. Vienna, Austria. International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO).
Dataset / Tabular

Replication Data for: Fragmentation increases wind disturbance impacts on forest structure and carbon stocks in a western Amazonian landscape

Schwartz, N.; Uriarte, M.; DeFries, R.; Bedka, K.M.; Fernandes, K.; Gutiérrez-Vélez, V.; Pinedo-Vasquez, M., 2017, "Replication Data for: Fragmentation increases wind disturbance impacts on forest structure and carbon stocks in a western Amazonian landscape", doi:10.5072/FK2/544RME, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Dataverse, V1
Dataset / Tabular

30th High Rainfall Wheat Yield Trial: 30th HRWYT Cycle 2022

Global Wheat Program; IWIN Collaborators; Singh, Ravi; Saint Pierre, Carolina, 2023, "30th High Rainfall Wheat Yield Trial",, CIMMYT Research Data & Software Repository Network, V1

COVID-19 in Syria: policy options

Turkmani, Rim, Gharibah, Mazen and Mehchy, Zaki (2020) COVID-19 in Syria: policy options. Policy Memo. Conflict Research Programme, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK
Scientific Publication

Are we missing ‘previously treated’ smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis under programme settings in India?

Shewade HD, Gupta V, Satyanarayana S, Kharate A, Murali L, Deshpande M, Kumar N, Pandey P, Bajpai UN, Tripathy JP, Kathirvel S, Pandurangan S, Mohanty S, Ghule VH, Sagili KD, Prasad BM, Nath S, Singh P, Singh K, Jayaraman G, Rajeswaran P, Srivastava BK, Biswas M, Mallick G, Bera OP, Jaisingh AJJ, Naqvi AJ, Verma P, Ansari MS, Mishra PC, Sumesh G, Barik S, Mathew V, Lohar MRS, Gaurkhede CS, Parate G, Bale SY, Koli I, Bharadwaj AK, Venkatraman G, Sathiyanarayanan K, Lal J, Sharma AK, Kumar AM, Chadha SS. Are we missing ‘previously treated’ smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis under programme settings in India? A cross-sectional study. F1000Research. 2019;8:338
Scientific Publication

Rational use of antibiotics by community health workers and caregivers for children with suspected pneumonia in Zambia

Kirstie Graham, Chomba Sinyangwe, Sarala Nicholas, Rebecca King, Samuel Mukupa, Karin Källander, Helen Counihan, Mark Montague, James Tibenderana,Prudence Hamade (2016) Rational use of antibiotics by community health workers and caregivers for children with suspected pneumonia in Zambia: a cross-sectional mixed methods study BMC Public Health 201616:897
Report / Case study

Strengthening the leadership and influence of women in politics in Kenya

Yolande Bouka, Muthoni Kamuru, Marie Berry and Natalie Moss (2017). Strengthening the leadership and influence of women in politics in Kenya: Synethesis Report. Rift Valley Institute Rift Valley Institute (2017) Meeting the Gender Principle: Policy and programme considerations. Policy brief. Rift Valley Institute Rift Valley Institute (2017) Taking stock of Kenya’s Gender Principle: The representation of women in politics in Kenya, 2013-2017: Policy Brief. Rift Valley Institute
Scientific Publication

Making progress towards food security: evidence from an intervention in three rural districts of Rwanda

Vincent Nsabuwera, Bethany Hedt-Gauthier, Mohammed Khogali, Mary Edginton, Sven G Hinderaker, Marie Paul Nisingizwe, Jean de Dieu, Tihabyona, Benoit Sikubwabo, Samuel Sembagare, Antoinette Habinshuti Peter Drobac (2015) Making progress towards food security: evidence from an intervention in three rural districts of Rwanda. Public Health Nutrition: 19(7), 1296–1304 doi:10.1017/S1368980015002207