Framework for gender analysis in aquacultural value chains

This is a framework for analyzing gender dynamics in aquacultural value chains.
Why is the framework important?
The framework lists four types of gender-related factors that constrain women's participation and benefits, and how they interact with value chain performance and quality of participation. The framework can be used to develop research and programs that increase women's engagement in and returns from aquacultural value chains.
Who is the framework for?
The framework is intended for researchers, practitioners, students and academics.
Countries of focus: Zambia, Bangladesh, Egypt and Indonesia
How can I use the framework?
This framework explains current knowledge of gendered engagement in and returns from aquaculture value chains. It presents a review of existing evidence on gender issues in aquaculture value chains along five key dimensions: gender division of labor, distribution of benefits, access and control over assets and resources, gender and social norms, and power relations and governance. Subsequently, the potential results for value chain performance and potential upgrading pathways are presented.
When and how was it developed?
The framework was developed by WorldFish in 2017; the work was undertaken as part of the CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agrifood Systems (FISH).
Where can I get the method? Who can I contact?
Tools, methods, manuals

Tools and methods for gender research and integration in agricultural value chain, market and entrepreneurship projects. CGIAR GENDER Platform working paper 004.