Making the strongest links (GEVCAL: Gender equitable value chain action learning)

This is a practical guide to mainstreaming gender analysis in value chain development.
Why is the guide important?
Value chain development policies are often based on gender-blind or gender-discriminatory assumptions, marginalizing women as a 'special' minority case. Women are still excluded from, and often further disadvantaged by, many 'mainstream' value chain development interventions.
This guide can help improve the gender understanding, and ultimately the capacity of, local organizations and individuals who carry out value chain analysis to be able to take into account the gender-based differences within an analysis.
Who is the guide for?
The guide is intended for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, students and academics.
Countries of focus: Kenya and Ethiopia
How can I use the guide?
This resource can help users include gender considerations in agricultural value-chain projects and programs. It uses gender analysis to identify strategies to reduce gender inequalities, increase women’s participation in value chains, and/or bring about women's empowerment.
The guide provides an outline of the framework, principles and process for Gender Equitable Value Chain Action Learning (GEVCAL). It gives practical guidelines on how the diagram techniques for mapping and analysis introduced in the guide can be used and adopted in value chain analysis and development. It also includes a checklist for gender analysis, which can be adapted for use in all types of value chain development, and diagram tools which can be used for planning, complex analysis and research and monitoring and evaluation.
When and how was it developed?
This guide was developed from fieldwork undertaken by the Women's Entrepreneurship and Gender Equality team (WEDGE) of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) with support from the Government of Ireland through the ILO-Irish Aid Partnership Program. Others involved in developing this guide include partner organizations from Ethiopia and Kenya, particularly the Ministry of Trade and Industry in Ethiopia and the Federation of Kenya Employers in Kenya.
Where can I get the guide? Who can I contact?
You can download this guide here.
Contact Details: Joni Simpson Senior Specialist & Coordinator of Women’s & Youth Entrepreneurship 4 route des Morillons CH-1211 Genève 22 Switzerland +41 (0) 22 799 6713
Tools, methods, manuals

Tools and methods for gender research and integration in agricultural value chain, market and entrepreneurship projects. CGIAR GENDER Platform working paper 004.

Making the strongest links: A practical guide to mainstreaming gender analysis in value chain development
Mayoux, Linda and Grania Mackie. 2009. Making the strongest links: A practical guide to mainstreaming gender analysis in value chain development. ILO. ISBN: 978-92-2-120207-2[ISBN].