
Working Paper

PN17. Baseline Report on the Geology of the Limpopo Basin Area

Baseline Report on the Geology of the Limpopo Basin Area,a contribution to the Challenge Program on Water and Food Project 17 “Integrated Water Resource Management forImproved Rural Livelihoods: Managing risk, mitigating drought and improving water productivity in the water scarceLimpopo Basin”. WaterNet Working Paper 7. WaterNet, Harare. 44 pp
Scientific Publication

PEN research questions and themes

Presentation at: ‘PEN: The Long Walk to Impact’, 4th PEN workshop, Barcelona, 8-12 January 2008, 17 pp
Scientific Publication

Approaches to studying decentralisation

Atkinson, S. Approaches to studying decentralisation. Saltman, R.; Bankauskaite, V.; Vrangbaek, K. (eds). In: Decentralization in health care: strategies and outcomes. Oxford University Press, (2007) ISBN 0 335 21925 X (pb), 0 335 21926 8 (hb), 978 0 335 21925 4 (pb), 978 0 335 21926 1 (hb)
Report / Technical

Assessing the Impact of Resource Conserving Technologies in the Indo-Gangetic Plain: Identifying Agricultural Knowledge Systems and Overcoming Blockages to Enhance Uptake of Agricultural Technologies to Optimise Pro-Poor Development

Page, S. L. J.; Tasheen Jafry. Proceedings of Technical Review and Planning Workshop: Assessing the Impact of Resource Conserving Technologies in the Indo-Gangetic Plain; Identifying Agricultural Knowledge Systems and Overcoming Blockages to Enhance Uptake of Agricultural Technologies to Optimise Pro-Poor Development 5-7 May 2004, Hotel Eastern Residence, Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh. CABI-Europe, Egham, UK (2007) 43p