Crops and technologies On crops, livestock, fisheries, irrigation, technologies, production and more.
Landscapes and biodiversity On land, landscapes, forests and forestry, biodiversity, ecosystems, ecology and more.
Nutrition and health On nutrition, malnutrition and overnutrition as well as health, diets, diseases and more.
Social Inclusion On inclusion, social classes, social groups, social participation, social protection, Indigenous peoples and more.
Engendering Data Blog Post Using theatre to help transform mindsets around power and gender relations
GENDER insights Navigating resilience pathways in Laos: integrating GESI in the Agroecology Initiative
Engendering Data Blog Post Challenges collecting pro-WEAI data in climate-affected Nandi County, Kenya
Evidence explainer Agricultural value chain interventions can improve women’s incomes, assets holdings, productivity and savings
GENDER insights Inspiring inclusion: A women-led vision for more inclusive agri-food systems research in CGIAR’s next research cycle
Evidence explainer Small-scale, multidimensional interventions work better to improve equal access to finance in agriculture
Evidence explainer How interventions improve women’s agency, create an enabling environment for agribusiness entrepreneurship
Evidence explainer Norms and institutional obstacles cause differences in women’s and men’s adoption of climate-smart agriculture
Evidence explainer Implementing and evaluating gender-transformative approaches in agrifood systems: What does the evidence say?
CGIAR Gender News Accelerating gender-transformative change in agri-food systems: lessons from the CGIAR–ICAR GENDER Conference 2023
CGIAR Gender News Sparking gender transformative change: Rome-based Agencies and CGIAR share experiences
CGIAR Gender News Transformative research provides pathways for including gender and socially marginalized groups
GENDER platform news Call for proposals: Evidence on women’s collective action in agri-food systems from MENA and South Asia
GENDER insights Slow gender-transformative change in Nepal’s water sector offers lessons for CGIAR initiatives
Evidence explainer The status of women in agriculture and food systems: persistent gaps and promising solutions
GENDER insights Picking the best tools for making value chain development interventions inclusive and gender equitable
Engendering Data Blog Post Better understanding of intra-household decision-making with a locally informed mixed-methods research tool
GENDER insights A community of practice to accelerate CGIAR learning on the use of gender-transformative research methodologies for systemic change
Evidence explainer Governing bodies of global food organizations are lacking in gender and geographic diversity
GENDER insights Climate crisis and water stress create a perfect storm for women: We need radical collaborations for gender-just climate solutions
Evidence explainer How climate change adaptation projects can advance gender equality and progress toward SDG 5