Crops and technologies On crops, livestock, fisheries, irrigation, technologies, production and more.
Landscapes and biodiversity On land, landscapes, forests and forestry, biodiversity, ecosystems, ecology and more.
Nutrition and health On nutrition, malnutrition and overnutrition as well as health, diets, diseases and more.
Social Inclusion On inclusion, social classes, social groups, social participation, social protection, Indigenous peoples and more.
CGIAR Gender News Feminization of agriculture: Building evidence to debunk myths on current challenges and opportunities (webinar #2)
CGIAR Gender News Rice Crop Manager spurs women and the youth to embrace digital technologies in Odisha
GENDER platform news Three new CGIAR GENDER Platform grants awarded to better integrate women’s empowerment and nutrition into research design
GENDER insights Gender transformative change critical for nurturing an equitable rice sector in Africa
CGIAR Gender News Women in Bangladesh start successful businesses using power-tiller-operated seeders
CGIAR Gender News Laying down tracks podcast: episode 4 - equitable livelihoods, gender equality and aquatic foods
CGIAR Gender News Improving the entrepreneurial orientation of young female agribusiness owners in Benin
CGIAR Gender News Gender equality, women’s empowerment, and food systems: Consensus and gaps in the literature
GENDER insights Gender conversations, connections and capacities unleash the potential of plant health
CGIAR Gender News The Global Food Systems 5050 Initiative: Tracking and promoting progress on gender equality amid food systems transformation