The EnGendering Data Blog is a forum for researchers, policymakers, and development practitioners to pose questions, engage in discussions, and share resources about promising tools and methods for gender research related to food systems, agriculture and food security.
This blog was launched by the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) in 2014 and is now hosted by the GENDER Impact Platform’s Methods Module. Previous posts from the blog will remain available to readers on the PIM website.
If you are interested in publishing a blog for EnGendering Data, email Elizabeth Bryan (e.bryan[at]cgiar.org) with a 1-2 paragraph summary of your blog topic. All blog posts are reviewed by a member of the editorial board for EnGendering Data and copyedited by a communications specialist. The guidelines for blog posts are accessible to CGIAR account holders here. We also encourage you to subscribe to the GENDER Platform newsletter to get the latest updates.